Part 50

539 26 11

-Time skip Yoongi Recovers-  warning bloody violence 

As soon as Yoongi was discharged from the hospital he quickly made his way to school with a evil smile on his face, almost demonic. When Yoongi got to the school he noticed that the school gate was closed so he climbed the gate and jumped over it. The students walking by saw Yoongi as gasped, shocked because they though Yoongi was dead, just then Yoongi started yelling.

"GUESS WHOS BACK FROM THE DEAD!" Yoongi yelled and began yelling for that kid and soon enough he came to the front of the school. Taehyung was on the other side of the gate, trying to jump over like Yoongi did but couldn't, yet kept trying.

Yoongi smiled at the blonde and tilted his head to the side.

"I heard that a little someone got rid of me~" Yoongi took a step forward but when he did everyone took a step back.

"Oh your all scared, who's the one that started the rumors?" Yoongi asked, just then Hyun-wu came running to the front of the school and called for Yoongi and made his way through the crowd of students.

"Hey, I got your set, they made them a bit more special" Hyun-wu spoke as he pulled out a small bag and gave it to Yoongi, who grabbed it and opened it. Yoongi's eyes widened with blood lust appearing, Hyun-wu noticed and smiled, knowing that Yoongi was going to have some fun. When Yoongi opened the bag he pulled out a set of knives but instantly noticed that their were sharp and clean as if it were a mirror. He unfolded the bag and put it over his shoulder and pulled out one of the knives. He then turned and looked at everyone.

"Rule one, no running away, why?" Yoongi asked and Hyun-wu answered.

"Because we'll get to excited~"

"Rule number two, no snitching, why?"

"You and that person will die!"

"And the last one~"

"Don't get in the way and don't run or else you die!" They both yelled as Hyun-wu quickly pulled out his knife, sprinting along side Yoongi running towards the blonde's friends and stabbing them in the stomach and cutting their throats after. Every one froze, some girls quietly began crying. Yoongi and Hyun-wu smiled as they killed the other boys, Taehyung watched in horror as he was on the other side of the school gates and quickly tried to jump over to stop Yoongi, knowing that Hyun-wu can control himself but Yoongi couldn't. Some of the boys tried to use their bags to hit Yoongi, but Hyun-wu got in front of the bag and cut the straps and quickly moved away allowing Yoongi to slit their throats. Every one watched at how Yoongi and Hyun-wu moved at the same time, fighting so smoothly as they didn't get in each other's way. Yoongi then got on the ground, Hyun-wu then running to Yoongi, putting one foot onto his back before jumping into the air towards the blonde. Yoongi smiled as he began laughing as he swiftly dodged and killed students. Yoongi quickly got rid of the boy's friends as he made his way to the blonde, Hyun-wu holding him down onto the ground. Yoongi then turned to the other students, noticing that Taehyung was still trying to jump over and smiled, his eyes full of evil. Everyone saw how bloody Yoongi and Hyun-wu were, covered in blood front top to bottom.

"Anyone want to give him a little beat up session before i end him!" Yoongi yelled with insanity in his voice. Everyone was too scared to answer.

"Come on! I know what he did to some of you! He beat you! Used you! Bullied you! Betrayed you! And if your in a relationship he did it with your girl, blackmailing her!" Yoongi yelled, seeing the change in some of the students expressions. Yoongi smiled as some students angrily walked up to the blonde, Yoongi happily moved out of the way and signaled Hyun-wu to move, and he did.

"Now dont move~ Or I'll kill you in a painful way" Yoongi warned. The blonde laid there as the students came up to him and began kicking him with force. The blonde stayed there before he had enough and tried to get away the students quickly yelling, telling Yoongi that he moved. Yoongi began laughing uncontrollably as he licked his knife while walking to the boy forcefully placing his leg onto his back.

"You moved~" Yoongi laughed as he grabbed the boy's blonde, almost red hair, because of the blood as turned to the students, with evil eyes. 

"I need a car and rope" Yoongi said as some students pulled out their car keys and some yelled out that they'll get some from the gym storage room. Yoongi told one of the students to get the rope but to be back in six minutes, the student nodded and left to the gym. Yoongi then picked a students for a car and grabbed their car keys. When five minutes passed the student came back with the rope, Yoongi then asked the student to tie the rope onto the blonde's wrists and asked the student to bring the car to the back of the school where the gate is always open. The students nodded and grabbed his keys from Yoongi and left.

When everyone got to the back of the school Yoongi dragged the end of the blonde's rope and tied it to the car's rear mirror, Yoongi then walked to the blonde and crouched down, looking into his eyes.

"You moved and picked your fate" Yoongi laughed as he signaled the student to start the car. The blonde then begged Yoongi for forgiveness as he cried. Yoongi just stared at the boy with no emotion, Yoongi stood up and yelled at the boy in the driver seat to step on it. Soon the car began driving, the blonde was then dragged as the car began moving, he began screaming in agony as he cried for the car to stop. After a while the car came back, Yoongi walked to the boy and kicked him to check if he was alive but got not response. Yoongi untied the rope that was connected to the rear mirror and pulled the rope and gave it to Hyun-wu.

"Back of the school, left and burn him, there should be gas there, burn the rope too" Yoongi whispered. Hyun-wu nodded and carried the boy's body to the location Yoongi told him.

"Now, if you don't want the cops to be called, follow Hyun-wu and he'll tell you what to do" Yoongi said as he began walking into the school but heard running. Yoongi turned around as he put his knife into his bag. Some students quickly moved out of the way as Taehyung ran towards Yoongi, dropping him to the ground.

"What did you do!" Taehyung yelled as Yoongi smiled.

"I just got rid of the unwanted" Yoongi laughed. Taehyung shook his head.

"You can't just kill people!"

"I can!"

"No! What if you get caught!"

"I wont!" Yoongi said with a smile of confidence.

"Still, It's wrong! You need to stop-"

"If it bothers you so much then you can leave me" Yoongi laughed. 

Taehyung couldn't believe what Yoongi said and it angered him so much, and he kissed Yoongi forcefully. The students then decided to help Hyun-wu, not wanted to get caught by the cops and not wanting to see a make out session. Taehyung broke the kiss and angrily stood up as he tightly gripped Yoongi's hand taking him home.


*falls to the floor laughing* 


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