Part 7

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It was Monday, the day Yoongi hates the most because he has to get up early for school and walk to class. Since Yoongi was to lazy and felt like waking up the others in a fun way,Yoongi got himself dressed for school and went down stairs to get some metal trays and do this, to wake the others up.

After everyone woke up Yoongi put the deformed trays back on the kitchen counter and grabbed his backpack.

"We're late" And that's all Yoongi had to say to get the others rushing to get ready. After the others got ready they started running to class while Yoongi took his time.

"Yoongi! What are you doing hurry up!"

"I'm doing what I do best. Being me and I'm always late for the rest of the school year besides the first week of school" Yoongi explained and everyone stopped.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"You see in elementary and middle school I was mostly known as the bad kid or bad boy for how i acted and treated others"

"Your not a bad boy"

"Hmm, you'll see what I'm talking about. Its like i have another personality you know?" Yoongi explained. The others decided to let Yoongi be and ran to class and when they got to their class the bell rang after 10 seconds they entered the class. Taehyung sat down in his seat and looked at the door waiting for Yoongi to enter.


While Yoongi was walking to class he heard a familiar voice.

"Min Yoongi doesn't really change do you Yoon?" Yoongi turned around to see Hyun-wu. Yoongi smiled happily and walked towards Hyun-wu.

"What are you doing here?!"

"This is my new school" Hyun-wu replied and gave Yoongi a smile. Both Yoongi and Hyun-wu fist bump each other and continued walking down the school hallway.

"What classes do you have?" Yoongi asked and when Hyun-wu replied Yoongi said that he had the same classes so they decided to walk to class together until they were at the classroom door.

-Taehyung pov-

When Taehyung heard footsteps on the other side of the classroom door he looked up to see Yoongi sliding the door open,... but Yoongi seemed, different. His school uniform wasn't buttoned and was undone.Taehyung noticed that it wasn't like that a few minutes ago. When Yoongi walked in the classroom boys and girls started cheering and screaming. Taehyung also saw a boy behind Yoongi, and his uniform was also undone like Yoongi's and both Yoongi's and the mysterious boy's hair was a mess.

"What happened?" Taehyung thought to himself but then heard some of his classmates yell out-

"Their back!"


"Yoongi and Hyun-wu are back!" A girl yelled out.

"So that's Hyun-wu? Is he Yoongi's childhood friend?" Taehyung asked himself.

"Oh my Mr.Min why is your uniform undone and who are you may I ask?" The teacher said while looking at both Yoongi and Hyun-wu with an unhappy expression.

"I'm Hyun-wu Lee and I'm a new kid in your class" Hyun-wu replied.

"Well nice to meet you, that empty seat up there next to Mr.Min's seat is yours but I need the both of you to go to the office for dress coding" The teacher said in a serious tone.

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