Part 38

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After school When Taehyung, Yoongi, Hyun-wu, Jungkook, Jin and the others walked out of the school gate Taehyung saw a black fancy car. Taehyung getting flashbacks he instantly grabbed Yoongi and wrapped his arms around him as he stared at the car.

"T-Taehyung? What are you doing?" Yoongi asked wondering why Taehyung was hugging him so tightly, almost carrying Yoongi.

"I spy a black fancy car and I don't trust it" Taehyung replied. The others looked at Taehyung understanding what he meant. They walked by the car and walked a few blocks before going separate ways.

"Taehyung you can let  me go now"


"But you practically carrying me, and i can walk"

"Not until we are inside the house"



"Why is my backpack lighter than usual?"

"I dont know" Taehyung replied.

"Maybe I got used to the weight of my backpack" Yoongi thought, never opening his backpack for class stuff.

"Why do you bring a backpack to school if you dont use it?"

"Why breathe if your gonna die anyways?" Yoongi replied.

"Hey" Taehyung said knowing what Yoongi just did.

"Do you want people to gang up on me all the time and come back all bruised and wounded?"


"Then? I bring my backpack so that I wont come back with much bruises or wounds when someone tried to mess with me"

"What if you only have one weapon?"

"Then I'm done for cause I'm more comfortable and used to fighting with two weapons at hand" Yoongi replied. Taehyung was happy that he left three knives in Yoongi's backpack. When they got home Taehyung opened his front door without putting Yoongi down and walked inside his house, locking it. Yoongi kicked off his shoes, along with his backpack and dropped himself onto the couch face first. Taehyung took off his shoes and put his backpack on the ground and sat down on the couch, turning on the tv.

"Yoongi sit up straight or put your head on my lap"

Yoongi then sat up and put his head on Taehyung's lap.



"What were you thinking when you saw that car?"

"I thought it was one of that bastards friends or something" Taehyung said angrily. Yoongi smiled and yawned as he looked at the tv.

"What are we going to watch"

"To be honest I dont know?" Taehyung replied. Yoongi was thinking of something they can do but nothing came to mind except one thing.



" We should invite the others for a sleep over!" Yoongi said happily. Taehyung instantly refused, remembering what happened when he invited the others to a sleep over in middle school and to sum it up, it was horrible.

"Why not?"

"Let's just say, the neighbors threatened to call the cops" Taehyung said the memories from that event came flooding back to him.

"Oh..." Yoongi replied.

"You don't have another idea?"


"Damn we are running out of things to do"



"Actually no I'll save it for tomorrow" Yoongi said with a smile.

"Is it bad?"

"Only if you don't make it bad" Yoongi replied.

Guess what they are going to do. Also... I'm running out of ideas so im crying cause i want to continue writing this story, but my thoughts and ideas are like 

"Nope, we are leaving have fun writing your shit we ain't helping no more"

So I'll probably stay up thinking of more ideas for any future chapters I might write. 


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