Part 27

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After class had ended Hyun-wu and Yoongi's friends walked out of the school gate talking happily as they joked around with each other not noticing the fancy black car. Yoongi was walking in front of the group as he looked through his phone also not noticing the car.

"Get him" The man in a fancy suit ordered his men as he pointed towards Yoongi. The men did as told Hyun-wu noticing then walking towards Yoongi. Hyun-wu's eyes widened as he yelled out Yoongi's name. When Yoongi looked up from his phone he was tackled down to the ground, dropping his phone. Taehyung's eyes widened as he suddenly ran towards the men holding Yoongi down and tried to pull them off his boyfriend. Yoongi's eyes were filled with panic, fear, anger and thirst to fight, Hyun-wu noticed this and also tried to help Taehyung along with the others, but the men in suits were to strong. They were then pushed to the ground unable to do anything as they watched Yoongi try to get out of the guy's hold. Yoongi kicked and moved as much as possible screaming. Taehyung stood up and ran the man again and punched him. The man holding Yoongi turned around. Taehyung saw Yoongi's eyes filled with tears as he continued to kick and scream. Taehyung was distracted by Yoongi who was in distress to notice the fist coming his way. When the man's wrist made contact with Taehyung's face Taehyung fell back, unconscious, the last thing he heard was Yoongi screaming his name. Hyun-wu saw Taehyung on the ground and ran up to the guy with the knife he had in his bag and jumped into the guy, stabbing him in the shoulder. The man holding Yoongi fell to the ground letting go of Yoongi. As Hyun-wu distracted the man Yoongi ran to Taehyung, shaking his body as tears fell from his face.

"Taehyung! Taehyung! Please wake up!" Yoongi yelled, he then carried Taehyung to the sidewalk. After putting Taehyung down Yoongi grabbed his backpack and pulled out his knife running towards the man Hyun-wu was currently fighting and stabbed him. But when Yoongi looked up the man didn't seem fazed and grabbed Hyun-wu by the neck and lifted him up in the air. Yoongi's eyes widened.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" Yoongi yelled his eyes full of tears.

"Then come with us willingly" The man spoke.

"Y-Yoongi d-dont" Hyun-wu spoke until he was thrown at Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok. Yoongi looking towards where Hyun-wu was thrown was then grabbed by the man again, Yoongi instantly started kicking again.

"Let me go! What the hell do you want fucker!" Yoongi yelled but got no reply as he was then thrown inside the car. Yoongi instantly sat up banging on the window before the car drove off. When the car drove off Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook and Hyun-wu instantly started crying in frustration. Hyun-wu then stood up and carried Taehyung with the help of Jungkook.

"Lets take care of Taehyung first, after I'll go looking for Yoongi" Hyun-wu stated  the others agreeing.


After Yoongi couldn't see his school anymore, nor his friends he went into a mental break down, this being the first time he's been caught by someone. Yoongi was to busy having a break down to notice the man staring at him. Until the man spoke up.

"Aww dont cry sweet heart"

Yoongi then looked up to see a man who was dressed in a wealthy way staring back at him.

"W-who the fuck are you!" Yoongi yelled angrily.

"Im Axel, and-"

"You! You fucker! You were the one who payed those jackasses to beat my friend!"

"May i finish-"

"No! You fucken can't! First you beat my friend and throw his across the street! A-And you fucken punched my boyfriend so that he was unconscious!" Yoongi yelled, hands in a fist.

"Can i talk now-"

"I said no! Let me go! Take me back! I will fucken kill you if he doesn't wake up!"

"LET ME FUCKEN TALK YOU BITCH!" The man yelled as he pulled Yoongi's hair harshly.

"The reason why i took you is that you will be my husband, I had my eye on you for a long while now" Axel said in a voice filled with lust. Yoongi then elbowed Axel's stomach and tried to unlock the door but the safety was on. Yoongi then felt a rag on his mouth, Yoongi held his breathe and tried to fight Axel off before he couldn't hold his breathe any longer. Axel tightened his grip so that Yoongi would breathe and when Yoongi did his lost consciousness.

-At the hospital-  

When they got Taehyung in the hospital the doctors said he was fine. The others stayed there thinking about Yoongi until Taehyung woke up. Taehyung instantly sat up and looked around the room.

"Y-Yoongi! Yoongi where is he!?" Taehyung asked franticly. Hyun-wu looked at Taehyung straight in the eyes.

"They took him"

"What! N-No!" Taehyung yelled as he then noticed the other's reaction which confirmed Hyun-wu's answer. Taehyung then pulled off all the hospital things attached to his arms and chest and stood up but quickly fell to the ground crying. Jin and Jungkook helped Taehyung sit back down on his bed, but Taehyung didn't move.

"Sit down on your bed" Jin said as he then pulled Taehyung onto the bed with the help of Jungkook. Taehyung laid down on his bed as he cried while holding onto the hospital pillow. The others felt bad as they watched Taehyung cry. Hyun-wu then walked out of the room, heading out to find Yoongi. Hyun-wu first got a knife from Yoongi's backpack and hid it heading to the jocks hang out. When Hyun-wu arrived at their hang out he noticed the leader.

"Hey!" Hyun-wu yelled out getting their attention, the jocks stood up frightened.

"Where does this Axel live! And why does he want Yoongi!" Hyun-wu yelled as he pulled out the knife. The leader instantly stood in front of his friends.

"H-He lives in a big mansion in **** blv  a-and he wants your friend to be his h-husband and s-sex slave!" The jock yelled Hyun-wu's face instantly dropping. Hyun-wu hid the knife under his shirt and ran back to the hospital to tell the others what might happen to Yoongi. When Hyun-wu arrived at the hospital he sprinted up the stairs and opened Taehyung's hospital door and fell to the ground trying to catch his breathe.

"Did you find anything!" Jungkook asked quietly as Taehyung was sleeping on the hospital bed holding the pillow.

"Th-The guy wh-who t-took y-yoongi "

"what about him?" Jin asked as Hyun-wu then took a deep breathe.

"I know where he lives and he wants Yoongi to be his-"

"his what?" Jimin asked as Hyun-wu took another deep breathe.

"To be his husband and sex slave!" Hyun-wu finished Taehyung instantly waking up after hearing what Hyun-wu said.

"WHAT!" Taehyung suddenly yelled which scared the others, causing them to his their head against the hospital wall.

"Let me go with you! Please!" Taehyung begged Hyun-wu shaking his head.

"Its too dangerous" Hyun-wu said as he then stood up.

"Please I wont get in your way, I want to know if hes okay" Taehyung begged. Hyun-wu couldn't say no, seeing how worried Taehyung was so he agreed.

"Okay but we need time to prepare, we need to see how much security this guy has, how much guards, and how big his house is and well do that tomorrow. After that we prepare some weapons and a get away."

"And after that we save Yoongi?"

"Yes this will take about three days, longer if something back fires"

"H-He cant wait that long!"

"Yes he can, he's strong and he can hold out...unless that bastard breaks him" Hyun-wu said whispering the last part so that no one heard.

So what cha think?


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