Part 52

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The next morning the two took a shower before heading to school, that's when the teachers, who were at the front gate noticed Taehyung and Yoongi. The group of teachers timidly walked up to Yoongi.  

"Mr.Min have- uh do you know what happened to these students?" One of the teachers asked as he handed Yoongi a paper with the names and pictures of the students he killed. Yoongi looked at the teacher in the eye and handed him the paper with a glare.

"No I haven't actually cause one of them, sent me to the hospital, for almost two or three months plus a few weeks just to make sure i was able to move again"

"O-Okay so sorry for asking, thank you!" The teachers quickly bowed and moved onto another student. Yoongi mad his way into the school with Taehyung and went into the class room and saw Hyun-wu writing and drawing shit like he did in elementary. Taehyung sat down observing Yoongi's actions closely as Yoongi put his bag on his seat and went to the board with Hyun-wu writing and drawing shit as well. Even as the teacher walked in he didn't give a crap and ignored the two, he didn't get paid enough for this. Taehyung was surprised that the teacher ignored them like that.

"Excuse me" Some one spoke as they then stood up.

"Yes what do you want?" The teacher asked, not giving a shit.

"Are you not going to give them a warning or detention for writing on the board and being out of their seats?" The girl asked. The teacher looked at Yoongi and Hyun-wu before standing up.Yoongi and Hyun-wu stopped and turned around to looked at this 'know it all'. Taehyung got ready to take Yoongi out of the room if he tried anything. The teacher sighed and leaned against the board, he then looked at this student.

"Are you new here?" Yoongi asked, and immediately noticed Taehyung getting ready to stand up. The girl nodded.

"I'm sofie, transferred today-"

"Well sofie let me explain, but I'll only say it once, so listen up"


"We basically run this place, get in our way or try to provoke us, it will be the last thing you do before you're put in a box and lowered into the ground, even ask other students and they'll explain in details  if you want more information. Even ask some rich bastard and people on the street, they know our names"

"Whats your names?"

"M.Y and L.H"

"Hmmm, I've never heard of you"

"Then you aren't from here, dont worry you will soon" Yoongi laughed as Hyun-wu put his hand in his bag, Yoongi then put his arm out. Taehyung eyes widened as he then ran to Yoongi and grabbed his wrist, pulling out of class.

"Leave her alone, she'll find out alone, you dont have to do anything to her, she's just asking" Taehyung blurted out as he held onto Yoongi, who soon looked at the ground.

"Remember what you-"

"Yes i know!" Yoongi said frustrated knowing that he was going to have a hard time, he walked back in class and farced himself to sit in his seat. Hyun-wu looked at Yoongi confused but did the same anyways.

"Yoongi are you okay?" Hyun-wu asked.

"Yeah, it's just that, I'll have to try to hold myself back"

"What why?"

"Something happened yesterday"

"Oh you mean when you were about to leave to kill people to release your frustration but Taehyung held you back and you guys made this promise like thing?" Hyun-wu blurted out. Yoongi looked at Hyun-wu and glared.

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