Part 13

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Taehyung slowly laid Yoongi down on his bed and looked at Yoongi before moving a piece of his hair.

"What happened?"  Taehyung whispered before he slowly got up and quietly walked out of the room. Taehyung walked to the couch and saw his bag with his snacks. Taehyung smiled and opened the bag after sitting down on the couch and when he looked inside the bag there was only 2 out of 8 bags of the snacks that he bought. Taehyung made a pouting expression before grabbing a bag.

"He almost took the whole bag" Taehyung told himself as he sat back on the couch and turned on the Tv.


After Yoongi ran out of the store Hyun-wu paid for the food and left the store. When he got back to Yoongi's he thought Yoongi would be in his room until.



"Why isn't Yoongi with you?" Both mothers asked which stabbed Hyun-wu's heart.

"He ran out of the store so I thought he came back here?"

"He's not here" Hyun-wu's mother explained. Hyun-wu dropped the bags of food and ran out of the house to look for Yoongi. Hyun-wu went back to the store but didn't find Yoongi. He went to all the near by places Yoongi could have been but didn't find him. 

"Where the hell can he be!" Hyun-wu yelled to himself in frustration. Hyun-wu felt like he was suffocating in his thoughts so he started walking to the park he and Yoongi went to when they needed to think until he stopped.

"What if Yoongi went to the park to calm down!?" Hyun-wu told himself before he started running. When Hyun-wu got to the park he saw blood on the sand.

"Wha-What the hell! Wh-Where is he!?" Hyun-wu yelled as tears formed thinking that his best friend was gone. Hyun-wu couldn't stand up and fell to the ground as he cried feeling his heart being torn out as he thought of the worst.

"You should have followed his dumb ass!" Hyun-wu yelled to himself as he brought his knees up to his chest.

"You should have fucken followed him! He's more important!" Hyun-wu cried as memories from when they were little came to him which made Hyun-wu cry more.


Jimin was walking with Jungkook coming back from the movie theater when they heard crying in a near by park. At first they didn't want to go close to the crying after they saw the movie but they gave in and slowly walked towards the crying and saw a  boy crying in his knees.

"Hey are you okay?" Jimin asked walking closer to the boy. When the boy looked up Jimin saw Hyun-wu.

"Hyun-wu what are you doing here? Why are you crying?" Jimin asked worried.

"Hey Jimin" Jungkook called out and pointed to the ground. Jimin looked towards what Jungkook was pointing at and saw blood.

"I-I dont kn-know but I-I think its Yo-Yoongi's" Hyun-wu said as he continued to cry.

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier our mothers told us to buy food so we did, while Yoongi was getting random items for us to buy I saw Taehyung, But i didn't tell Yoongi, then Taehyung came towards up and Yoongi turned around. Yoongi wanted to leave but I told him no, I told him that he has never ran away from a problem before until now, I then told Taehyung to tell Yoongi what he wanted to say earlier and a-after he did Yo-Yoongi ran out of the store after giving me the money"

"And what happened?"

"I-I thought he went back to his house so I didn't think much of his until both our moms asked me where Yoongi was I-I felt like m-my heart was being stabbed a bunch of times and it felt like someone was trying to rip it out of me so I came to look for him but didn't find him so I came here to think but then i though si-since we come here when we need ti-time for our selves he might be here, but he wasn't only this pool of blood" Hyun-wu explained trying to hold in cries.

"We can look for him tomorrow-"

"No! You dont understand he means a lot to me! He-He's my friend! My brother! He's the closest to a family member I have! We both best friends and brothers! We only had each other when we were younger! Both our dads were fucken drunk abusive bastards! That's why we are who we are now! Because of out fucken dads we would get bullied he dealed with it sooner and at the time i didn't know him until he saw me getting bullied he stepped up for me and we became close. In the 5th grade we had enough of our dads so we burned their stuff, everything, soon we became the well known rebels and no on came near us...we each made a promise to try not to get in trouble until we got back together, sure we got a lot of enemies but we had never ran away from them, we stepped up to them face to face. But this the first time Yoongi ran away from some one... I need to find him" Hyun-wu explained which hit both Jimin's and Jungkook's heart so they agreed to help out.

Jimin decided to call Jin to help them find Yoongi.




"Can you help us with something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Me and Jungkook found Hyun-wu crying in the park and he needs help finding Yoongi, he probably had been crying for a couple of minutes"

"Oh? Yoongi?"


"Um well Taehyung found him bleeding when he was walking back home, so I told Tae to take Yoongi to his house while i got an aid kit, i cleaned his wound and changed his clothes, he's passed out but fine, he should wake up tomorrow"


"Yeah, if you want I'll Tae you guys are going over"


"No problem" Jin said before hanging up. Jimin turned around and looked at Hyun-wu.



"I know where Yoongi is"

"Where is he? Is he okay?"

"He's fine just follow me"


- Taehyung-

Taehyung sat down on the couch eating his snack until he heard knocking at his front door. Taehyung stood up and opened the door to see Hyun-wu, Jimin, and Jungkook.


"Where's Yoongi? Is he okay?" Hyun-wu asked while holding back tears.

"Yeah he's okay, He's sleeping in my room, the one over there" Taehyung said while pointing to the room. Hyun-wu walked towards the bedroom, Hyun-wu opened the door to see Yoongi asleep in a cat onesie. Hyun-wu looked back at Taehyung.

"Did you change him......"

"Nooooo, but i did choose the outfit" Taehyung said with a smile. 

"He's....HE'S GONNA BE SO PISSED" Hyun-wu said with a smile and took out his phone to take some pictures and Taehyung did the same while they tried to hold in their laughter.

After Hyun-wu left with Jungkook and Jimin now knowing that Yoongi was okay.

Hello I updated I'm proud of me self. Anyways have you guys seen the persona trailer? Damn Namjoon killed it even the into was speechless. But if you guys want i sometimes release sneak peeks or pictures the chapter that I'm working on in my Instagram at bts_army_bangtan_kpop 

I might change it one day but i dont know when.


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