Part 55

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When sofie saw Taehyung holding Yoongi in his arms while a group of boy running away, she knew where her brother was and ran to him.

"Do-won! What happened! What did you do!"

"I was trying to help Yoongi but he got mad at-"

"You messed up! And it's your first day!"


"I have to tell father!"

"No! Please!"

"No! What if he goes after our family because of you!" Sofie yelled as she pulled out her phone and dialed her father's contact. Do-won sat on the ground ashamed until he got an idea. And couldn't wait.


When Do-won and Sofie arrived home they went to their father's office and sat down in the seats in front of him.

"Do-won! What the hell is wrong with you! Do you want to get killed!"

"No! It's just that- these kids provoked my love for him-"

"So! Do you want to kill us!?"


"Then forget about that boy! He is trouble!"

"Father! I have a deal!"

"It better not be stupid!" Sofie commented.

"I'll go back to private school"

"Good, now your excused"

"If! You let me marry Yoongi!"


"Are you crazy!" Their father yelled.

"Yes! For him father!"

"No! I'll never let that boy in here!"

"If you wont let me marry him! I'll behave like him!"

"Do-won! Get out! Your going to be home schooled!" His father yelled as he stood up from his seat. Do-won stayed in his seat and didn't move an inch.

"Not until you agree" Do-won calmly replied.

"Do-won that's enough" Sofie said as he tried to signal her brother out. Do-won didn't listen and kept his eyes on his father. His father had enough of Do-won.

"Fine, marry him! Do what you want! But if we die it's on you!" His father yelled as he then ordered some of his people to dress up in swat like clothing so that they wouldn't get hurt and told them to bring Yoongi. Do-won was happy and couldn't wait.

-Taehyung's house-

Yoongi and Taehyung were talking on the couch and as soon as Yoongi stood up there was knocking at the front door, Taehyung looked at Yoongi who was also looking back at him.

"Give it" Taehyung spoke as he held his hand out, Yoongi then placed his switch blade onto Taehyung's hand and went to the door.

"Yes?" Yoongi asked as he looked up to see people dressed up in protection.

"Did Halloween come early? Cause if it did then i dont have candy"

"No we came to talk to you without violence"

"Your welcome! i took away his knife before he opened the door!"  Taehyung yelled.

"Yeah he did, anyways what do you want?"

"Our master asked us to bring you into his home for a chat"

"Master? Im guessing he wants a bodyguard, well tell him no" Yoongi was then going to close the door.

"Please sir, dont let this heavy suit we put on go to waste"

"Uggggggghhhh Fiiiine!!!" Yoongi complained as he sat on the floor to put on his shoes.

"Tae! I'm gonna be gone for a few minutes!"

"Alright just come back as soon as you can!"

"Okay bye bye" Yoongi said as he quickly grabbed his other switch blade before Taehyung noticed and closed the door. Yoongi followed the grown ass trick or treaters to a big ass house.

"How long is this gonna take?" Yoongi asked as he played with his blade.

"Not long hopefully" One of then said as they opened the front door and the others showed Yoongi to their master's office.

"Wow nice office" Yoongi said as he saw two chairs in front of a big desk. Yoongi sat down and continued to play with his knife until the doors opened.

"Please put the knife away sir"

"Okay, are you the one who wanted to talk to me Yoongi asked and the man nodded.

"Today my son was being stupid and you may have ran into him in many uncomf-"

"That weirdo is your kid!" Yoongi asked and the man nodded.

"Keep control of him! I would have beaten him if my boyfriend hadn't stopped me!"

"I understand, but my son doesn't and he had this big crush-"

"Not another one"

"Excuse me?"

"During my life there has been dudes and ladies kidnapping me saying that they liked me and what not, tell your kid no, that i hate him, and that i already got someone, your kid is weird and makes everything obvious-" Before Yoongi could finish the doors slammed open to reveal the kid they were talking about.

"Father did you tell him!"

"Tell me what...are you talking about me?"

"Yes we are going to get married"


Yoongi inhaled and turned to the older dude.

"I'll leave before anyone gets hurt, good night, and keep him away or you wont see him ever again"

"No! Don't leave we are together now!" Do-won yelled.

"Since when! Explain! Cause I dont even know your fucken name! Now leave me alone of I'll tie you to the end of a car!" Yoongi yelled as he pulled out his switch blade and moved it around his hand as he left the house.

"Who the fuck do they think i am?!" Yoongi yelled to himself as he then heard running coming towards him. Yoongi turned around and pointed his knife to the boy.

"I don't know who you are, but leave me alone, this is a warning dont piss me the fuck off! Or i'll kill you and your family!" Yoongi yelled as he began walking away.

When yoongi got back home he quietly put his switch blade down.

"I'M BACK!" yoongi yelled as he kicked off his shoes.

"You didn't kill anyone right"

"No, but good to know that you trust me so much" Yoongi said as he sat on the couch, Taehyung following him.

Got one chapter done! its 12:04 am and i gotta wake up at 5am so i can't really start another draft


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