Part 4

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When Taehyung, Jin ,Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook arrived at Yoongi's house Taehyung knocked on the front door. Taehyung knocked a couple more times before calling out for Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi! It's me Taehyung! Open the door! Please!" Taehyung yelled while knocking on the door but didn't hear anyone inside the house. 

"Try opening the door" Jimin said and Taehyung made an 'oh' face and turned the knob, the door opened and Taehyung walked in with the others behind him. "I should tell him to lock the door" Jin whispered to himself. Taehyung then started to look around Yoongi's house walking into random rooms until he opened one room and saw Yoongi asleep on the bed.

 Taehyung then started to look around Yoongi's house walking into random rooms until he opened one room and saw Yoongi asleep on the bed

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Taehyung smiled to himself and walked towards Yoongi and pulled a blanket over Yoongi and walked out of the room quietly. Taehyung then walked down stairs to see his friends on the couch and floor.

"Hey was Yoongi up there?" Jin asked and Taehyung nodded in response.

"What was he doing?"

"He was asleep- oh wait let me take a picture of that" Taehyung said while running back upstairs to Yoongi's bedroom to take a picture of Yoongi sleeping. When Taehyung got his pictures he came back down stairs.

"Did you get your picture?"


"Tae I swear to god that we are going to tell him one day about those pictures and how much fucken storage do you have?"

"Lets just say that i have a lot of storage" Taehyung said with a smirk.

" Oh lord- Tae"


"Do you have multiple phones?!"


"Oh my- I'm done" Jin said and sat back down on the couch. After 3 minutes of sitting down they decided to turn on the TV.

- Few hours later- 

Yoongi was on his bed stretching because he had just woken up. Yoongi got out of bed and went into the washroom, after he walked down stairs passing by the group of boys sitting on the couch, Yoongi made some coffee and turned around heading back to his bedroom until-

"Hey Prince!" Taehyung yelled happily scaring the life out of Yoongi which caused him to drop his cup of coffee.

"AH SHIT! FUCK IT BURNS!" Yoongi yelled when some of his coffee spilled over him.

"Opps sorry" Taehyung said and Yoongi looked up at Taehyung with a glare.

"What.The.Fuck! What are you doing here?! How did you get in?!"

"Your front door was unlocked" Jin said and Yoongi looked over at Jin to see more guys.

"WHAT THE HELL IF GOING ON?!" Yoongi screamed in confusion.

"I'll explain everything while I help you with the coffee burns" Jin said and walked over to Yoongi helping him stand up and walk to the washroom.

-After being explained and introduced  to the other boys- 

"Okay so your saying that you guys came to my house because you didn't feel like staying at school?" Yoongi asked and the 6 boys nodded.

"Oh and Yoongi"


"Um Taehyung takes pic-"

"What?" Yoongi asked confused because before Jin could finish Taehyung put his hand over Jin's mouth.

"Nothing Nothing he was going to- Hahaha" Taehyung said nervously. 

"Okay then well-"

"Can we have a sleep over?!" Taehyung said or more like yelled out happily.

"I-No i barely know you guys!"





"But we don't have school tomorrow please?!"

"Wha- N-No"

"Please i beg you"

"Yoongi just agree he will continue this for more than an hour- hell even a year if he dosent lose his voice" Jimin whispered.

"FFFFFFFFFiNe!! You can sleep over" Yoongi said falling into his couch.

"YAY!" Taehyung yelled and hugged Yoongi.

"N-No! Don't ToUcH me!" Yoongi said while pulling away from Taehyung's hug.

"There's a few guest rooms upstairs so you can stay there I-I'm going back to sleep" Yoongi said and went upstairs into his bedroom.

"They are just staying for tonight don't worry Yoongi" Yoongi thought to himself and went to sleep.

Author Shooky walks in to Yoongi's bedroom with coffee. "I'm sorry Yoongs but somethings wont go as planned" Author Shooky says while sipping the very hot coffee. "AH SHIT I BURNED MY TOUGN!" 

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