Part 56

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The next morning Yoongi didn't feel like going to school and told Taehyung to go on ahead, which he did surprisingly. Yoongi changed his clothes into something more comfortable like sweatpants and an undershirt, he put on his shoes and his jacket closing the door behind himself. Yoongi walked to a near by boxing area and decided to let out his stress from yesterday. Yoongi grabbed the bandages from the table and wrapped it around his hands and wrists. Yoongi went up to a punching bag and started to hit it until someone walked up to him.

"Hey" The person called out, Yoongi stopped what he was doing and turned around to see Jungkook and Jimin.

"Oh, hey aren't you suppose to be at school?"

"Yeah well, with all the students arguing about who will win in a fight for your love, we wanted a break" Jungkook replied.

"Who are they talking about"

"You and Taehyung vs You and Do-won" Jimin interrupted.

"Who's Do-won?" Yoongi asked.

"He's Sofie's sister their a new family that's rich"

"Oh...then guess what"

"What?" Jungkook asked as he picked up a bandage and wrapped his hands and wrists.

"That Do-won kid tried to get a force marriage with me"

Once Yoongi said that sentence everyone's heads in the room turned towards Yoongi.

"What did you say?" Jimin asked.

"To fuck off, his dad was understanding cause he didn't even want me in the house but then his son came in and i threatened him but he was persistent, so when i was leaving the house i pointed my knife at him and told him to stop fucking around and left" Yoongi explained before he began punching the bag in front of him along with kicks. Jungkook and jimin watched in awwe as Yoongi moved swiftly around the bag while hitting it.

"Yoongi do you think you can-"

"Teach you how to fight?"


"Fighting is all about timing and ability to move quickly"


"So you can throw punches and look cool" Yoongi joked, making the two laugh. yoongi felt eyes on him and when he looked around he saw a very familiar someone who tried to hide. Yoongi let it go and continued to talk with Jungkook and Jimin. After Yoongi left the boxing area he decided to go get ice cream at a near by ice cream shop, knowing that someone was trying to follow him. Yoongi continued on as if nothing.

Yoongi turned to an ally and waited for that person to walk by and when they did Yoongi grabbed them and covered their mouth.

"Why are you following me?" Yoongi asked Taehyung and moved his hand away.

"Well uh, Who's this Do-won!"

"First answer my question and I'll answer yours"

"Fine, just wanted to make sure that you were okay, you looked stressed"

"Glad you noticed, anyways Do-won is the kid that transferred" Yoongi replied as he gave his ice cream to Taehyung.

"Thank you"

"I didn't eat any yet"



"I want to see you in a dress"


"Please"  Taehyung asked as he followed Yoongi onto the side walk.

"No" Yoongi replied.

 Taehyung pouted and looked up to see Do-won walking. Taehyung quickly turned Yoongi around so that Do-won could see him. Once Do-won noticed Yoongi he also noticed Taehyung , who was kissing Yoongi. Taehyung looked at Do-won as he continued to kiss Yoongi. Taehyung then felt Yoongi hum and ended the kiss.

"You were gonna kill me" Yoongi yelled as he took a deep breathe. Taehyung laughed at what Yoongi said and held his hand.

"lets go back home" Taehyung said as he put an arm around Yoongi and walked away from Do-won.

Do-won watched as Taehyung and Yoongi walked away together, Do-won  felt angry seeing how Taehyung was about to kiss Yoongi while he couldn't even touch his hand.

"He will marry me!" Do-won yelled to himself scaring some people who walked by.

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