Part 1

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Today was Yoongi's first day of school (not really), at Bangtan High school, his mother woke him up by spraying ice cold water since Yoongi was a deep sleeper so if there was a fire in the house he wouldn't wake up, if there was a big earthquake he wouldn't move a muscle because he would be asleep so his mother had to do anything to get him up even if it means she had to throw a huge bucket of ice cold water to get him up. When Yoongi was awake he got up and dressed into his school uniform * like the picture above*  he ate the breakfast that his mother prepared and left after saying 'goodbye' to his mother.

When Yoongi got to his new school he walked through the gates and went to the school office to get his class schedule and his locker number and combination after Yoongi went to go find his new locker to put his things in. When Yoongi found his locker he put in his combination number and opened it then Yoongi felt a hand grab his ass and squeeze. Yoongi didn't know who it was but all he knew was that they grabbed his ass so Yoongi then turned around and punched the person hard, then that person fell to the ground and everyone gasped by what they just saw. "Daaaaaaaang Taehyung did this little kid punch you that hard to make you fall?" a boy with pink hair said while walking towards Yoongi and the boy on the floor that Yoongi is guessing that is Taehyung. "Shut up Jimin and help me up!" Taehyung yelled at the boy with pink hair who is Jimin and helped Taehyung up. "Hey kid what's your name?" Jimin asked while looking towards Yoongi. "My names Yoongi, and why did you grab my ass?!" Yoongi asked almost yelling. "Hey i know a great ass when I see one" Taehyung responded and Jimin looked at Taehyung with a disappointed look. Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked away heading to his first class, not wanting to deal with a popular perv in school. "Hey lets hang out some time!" Yoongi heard Taehyung yell. "Fuck off!" Yoongi yelled. "Only with You!" Taehyung responded before Yoongi was gone.

When Yoongi got to class he sat down in the corner of the room not wanting to talk to anyone until he saw someone named Taehyung walk into the classroom."Bitch what? Why is he here? Please don't see me and please don't let this be your class"  Yoongi thought to himself until it was to late...Taehyung spotted Yoongi in the corner of the class, Taehyung smirked to himself until he sat down on the empty seat next to Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi"

"Leave, I'm allergic to retardedness "

"But I'm not that"

"I'm allergic to bullshits and there is a human looking on next to me so leave before i hit you again"

"You wouldn't hit me" 

"Try me bitch"

"Alright, I bet 30 dollars that you wont hit me for no reason, when I did nothing to you"

"Alight then but its your money" Yoongi said and hit Taehyung in the face knocking him down to the floor off his chair. "You actually hit me!  And twice today!" Taehyung said almost yelling. " I told you, now, wheres my 30 bucks?" Yoongi asked with a ' I told you so ' face. Taehyung then took out 30 dollars from his back pocket and handed it to Yoongi. Taehyung then made a pouting face while crossing his arms. " Hey I told you but did you listen? Nope" Yoongi said, then Taehyung had an idea that made a smirk on his face.

" Hey Yoongi?"

" What?"

" I bet 50 bucks that you wont kiss me"

" Your damn right cause I wont"

" What if I bet 100 dollars that you will kiss me?"

" Well then you better see a fucken damn doctor to check your damn head cause I don't know why the fuck you think that I would kiss you for just a 100 bucks you weirdo perv"

" I'm not a perv"

" Sure your not"

" I'm not i swear!"


" Anyways would you do it?"

" Hell no! And why am i talking to you?"

" Cause you love me"

" You did not just go there"

" Oh yes i did"

" Fucken hell! HEY WHICH ONE OF YOU BITCHES ARE WILLING TO CHANGE FUCKEN SEATS WITH ME?!" Yoongi yelled while standing up and a bunch of girls raised their hands but then Taehyung stood up. 

" He's just playing with you girls"

"No I'm-"

" You see look he's sitting down now" Taehyung said while his hand was over Yoongi's mouth and the other pushing him down to his seat.

" Bro why the fuck did you put your damn perverted hand over my damn mouth?!"

" Cause i don't like the girls in this class" Taehyung said, almost like a whisper.

" Well then you better keep to yourself of else I'll make this class hell for you" Yoongi said.

" I'll try" Taehyung said.

" No don't say ' I'll try' you better not"

" Fine I wont" Taehyung said while crossing his fingers behind his back.

First chapter is out  and the book is still in progress this is just a preview of what the story idea is like  

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