Part 10

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-In the nurse's office 9:34p.m-

The nurse was still in the office, waiting for Yoongi and Hyun-wu to wake up. But when Yoongi did wake up he was pissed. Yoongi looked over and saw Hyun-wu still passed out Yoongi then slowly got off from the recovery bed and went to Hyun-wu.

"Hyun-wu?" Yoongi asked while softly shaking his friend. Yoongi looked around the room and saw the nurse sitting down.

"What happened? Why- How did we get here?" Yoongi asked.

"Well your friends Jimin and Jungkook brought the both of you here when you guys passed out"

"Why, Why did-"

"Because they cared about you both. As soon as they both had a chance they grabbed you and Hyun-wu and brought you guys here with me" 

"Bu- Why did- Is Hyun-wu okay?"

"Yeah he is, just passed out" The nurse informed and Yoongi lowered his head. The nurse could tell that Yoongi has a lot of mixed emotions that he was currently feeling.

"Yoongi if you want I can stay with you until Hyun-wu wakes up, and if you like I could drop you off at your house since you have been through a lot today" The nurse offered and Yoongi nodded.

-11:59 p.m-

Yoongi and the nurse stayed in the office until Hyun-wu slowly woke up. And when he did Yoongi instantly went over to Hyun-wu.

"Hyun-wu! Dude are you okay!"

"What? Wait? Yeah, I'm...okay sorta"

"You were passed out for like... who knows how long" Yoongi said until the nurse interrupted.

"Yeah uh Yoongi you were out for hours too"

"What? For how long?"

"Um...I think 5-6 hours" The nurse replied.


"Shut up you were passed out longer bitch!" Yoongi said when Hyun-wu tried to make fun of him.

"Hey!" Hyun-wu said noticing that Yoongi called him a bitch. But their attention turned to the nurse after she coughed.

"Sorry to interrupt but are you both feeling better? If you like i can buy you something to eat before i drop you off a home"

"Well i am kinda hungry" Hyun-wu said which was true.

"Good cause I'm fucken starving" The nurse said as she was getting her belongings. Yoongi and Hyun-wu grabbed their stuff as well and followed the nurse to her car. The nurse who I will call lia started her car and drove to a café that was near the school. They got out of the car and entered the café and sat down. Some one came to get their order and after a few minutes they came back with their food and coffee. 

"Yoongi, Hyun-wu I know you might not want to talk about it but can you tell me what happened in the hallway from your point of view?" The nurse asked before sipping her coffee. Hyun-wu nodded and started talking first.

-Time skip-

After Yoongi and Hyun-wu told their point of view to the nurse the bill came and they paid half half since it wasn't really fair for the nurse to do this much for them. They exited the café and went back in the nurses car, she then drove the directions that Yoongi was telling her to go, and they arrived at Yoongi's house and both Yoongi and Hyun-wu exited the car. Yoongi and Hyun-wu went to the driver side and thanked the nurse before she drove off after saying goodbye. Yoongi walked up to his front door with Hyun-wu behind him and entered the house to be met with Jin.

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