Part 18 hehe

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When Taehyung woke up the next day, Yoongi still asleep besides him, Taehyung slowly sat up to stretch and after rubbing his eyes he saw Yoongi's mother staring at him. 

"Oh hello Ms. Min" Taehyung politely greeted.

"He knows better"


"Yoongi knows better, he knows that I told him to stop all this rebel stuff, why didn't he stop?"

"He has a reason" Taehyung replied as he sat back down next to Yoongi's sleeping figure.

"Why?" Ms. Min asked eyes watery. 

"He wants to protect you, Ms. Lee, Hyun-wu , me and the others"

"From what?"

"I guess the people who do serious bad things"

"Tell me"

"Yesterday, Hyun-wu called about some dudes trying to gang up on him"

"For what"

"Ransom" Taehyung replied seeing an instant wave of fear and anger on her face.

"So Yoongi quickly got prepared to go help Hyun-wu distracted the guys as in fucken beating them almost killing them and Hyun-wu joined in after Yoongi threw the bat to him" Taehyung continued.

"He's still doing this for us?"

"Yes and the very first thing he told me was to get you, Ms.Lee and myself out of the house so that we wouldn't get in the way and higher the chance of then getting captured" Taehyung finished.

"Taehyung?" Ms.Min called.


"Do you love Yoongi?" Ms.Min asked and Taehyung did, he wanted to say yes but wasn't sure if Yoongi would like that but still did it anyways.

"Yes i do, very much" Taehyung replied, showing that he was serious in his answer.

"What if i said that i dont like gay relationships?"

"Then I'll still be with him I love him a lot even if someone tries to keep him away I will keep trying" Taehyung answered with his head down, being reminded of his family.

"Well then, start dating him cause i cant hold back when seeing you guys together, your both so cute when with together" She said showing the side Taehyung remember Yoongi talking about.

"Really, you'll let me?" Taehyung asked happily.

"Yes, plus you really love him and i can tell" She said with a smile. Taehyung eyes sparkled as he gave off a box smile.

"Thank you" Taehyung replied still smiling with sparkly eyes. Yoongi was awake the whole entire time but pretended to be asleep until he heard his mother say that she'll let Taehyung date him.

"Your gonna let him just like that?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Yes" She replied.

"I get to date you~ I'm so happy" Taehyung said as he gently held Yoongi not forgetting about his injured arm. Yoongi smiled seeing Taehyung so happy.

"How did you get here?" Yoongi asked knowing that his mom can't drive.

"Your friend brought- oh i forgot that he was waiting outside, the doctors said your discharged as soon as you wake up here's your clothes. Taehyung can you help him" Ms. Min said as she left, going back to Jin's car.

"Can I?" Taehyung asked looking at Yoongi.

"I-Uh yeah" Yoongi replied blushing a bit. Taehyung then got off the bed to get Yoongi's clothes laid out, Taehyung then took off Yoongi's hospital gown seeing the bandages around his arm and chest. Taehyung then put Yoongi's top on and then his pants, Yoongi then put on his shoes.

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