Part 61

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Hello im sorry that im VERY LATE but here ya go after rereading some parts to remember what to write  :>

When the time came for both Yoongi and Hyun-wu to be discharged from the hospital Taehyung waited outside for them. When Taehyung saw both Yoongi and Hyun-wu he ran to Yoongi, giving him a big hug.

"Hey! What about me?! I deserve one too!" Hyun-wu said in a joking way as Yoongi pulled him into the hug.

"Never mind! Let me go I dont want your love coodies all over me!" 

They all laughed together

-The Next Dat At School- 

When they went to school the next day Sofie went up to Yoongi, her face full of stress and worry.

"Yoongi! Do you know what happened to my brother?!"


"My brother! Do-won the kid who had a crush on you!"

"Oh him...Ehhhmmm ... Noo I dont remember, I just came out of the hospital yesterday"

"What?! Then where could he be? I want to apologize to him for what i said for having a crush on you, iinstead I should have talked him out of it instead of disowning him"

Yoongi, Taehyung and Hyun-wu just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do as Sofie let out all of her feelings about her brother and what she wanted to tell him. After a while of no one wanting to interrupt sofie cause she was in her emotions they waited till the bell rang and when it did then sprinted to class. When they all sat down they looked at each other for a second.

"Why didn't you interrupt her?!" Hyun-wu asked.

"Me?! Why me, why didn't you do it?!"

"Cause that's means"

"Yeah and you expect me to do that, nah I'm not that rude"

"Well me either"

"Anyway what happened to her brother anyway?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm not sure, i was in the hospital with you"

"Wait, why were we in the hospital anyways?"

"Cause we had wounds that could cause us to loose lots of blood...?"

"No like...What event put us in the hospital like a fight or something"

"I dont remember" Both Hyun-wu and Taehyung replied.

Yoongi thought it was weird because anyone would probably have a good chance of remembering anything big like a fight or something but let it go by.

After all their classes Hyun-wu went home and so did Yoongi and Taehyung. They didn't talk on their way home and during that Yoongi kept thinking that something was off he couldn't describe what but it definitely was something, "Did something happen between me and Taehyung?" Yoongi thought but some what doubted it.

"Hey Tae?"


"Does today seem off to you? Like it's not normal or how the day would usually go?" Yoongi pointed out. Taehyung paused for a moments thinking "What the fuck do i tell him i dont want him to misunderstand again"  Taehyung then replied with a no and that he thought today seemed normal.

"Why do you think today seems off?" Taehyung asked, wanting to know what Yoongi thought.

"I dont know how to explain it but it just feels like that, did something, by chance happened between me and you?"

" Um well not exactly a yes and no so maybe???" Taehyung responded. Yoongi stopped walking with a confused expression on his face and looked at Taehyung.

"What do you mean? Tell me what happened" Taehyung then began to sweat knowing that he should've just said no instead.

"Erm well you see... do you remember the night you went out with Jimin? And that you walked him home cause you felt something was off and that went coming back home you saw a lady and then she needed help and you helped her from getting robbed?" 

"Uhhh yes i remember"

"Well then the lady asked for a one night stand and that many other girls would love that as well but you said no and came home"

" Yeah?"

"Then i asked you what you did then you told me about the girl and the one night stand but i jumped to conclusions and you got mad and thought i didn't trust you and then you stormed off and I know it was wrong of me to jump to conclusions but- but I just wanted to make sure that you were safe because I didn't want anything to happen to you, I understand that you could fend for your self but With what has happened before I-I got scared-"

Yoongi then cut Taehyung off by hugging him tightly. Taehyung was surprised and hugged Yoongi tightly as well not wanting to let go of Yoongi. When Yoongi looked up to see Taehyung's face he saw that Taehyung's eyes were watery.

"Tae, you dont have to cry, I'm here with you" Yoongi spoke as he smiled at Taehyung, wiping away the few tears that fell. Taehyung smiled and kissed Yoongi's forehead before wiping away his tears.

"Alright enough crying " Taehyung said as he wiped his eyes and held Yoongi's hand while they both walked home together.

Sorry very late, i know I'm sorry a lot has happened. while writing some of the last bit of this chapter i has to fight my sister afraid that she would delete or see the shit im writing. Hopefully you enjoy this update


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