Part 47

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Almost forgot in i put this warning last minute when i was gonna sleep but anyways 


Yoongi was the first to wake up the next morning and he got out of bed, his ass still hurting from what...happened as he made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast. When Yoongi was almost done cooking the bacon Taehyung wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist.


"Good morning" Yoongi replied as he turned off the stove and placed a few strips of bacon onto each plate the eggs coming right after. Yoongi sat down along with Taehyung and started eating. After Yoongi finished his food he put the dishes in the sink and went into Taehyung's bedroom and changed his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Im gonna go to school to talk with Hyun-wu" Yoongi replied as he grabbed his school bag and put on his shoes. Taehyung nodded and said that he'll be there when he's done, Yoongi nodded and left the house. Yoongi ran to class and slammed the door open and sat down next to Hyun-wu.

"Are you alright?" Hyun-wu asked worried.

"Yeah, hey those girls haven't been bothering you right?"


"That's good" Yoongi said with a smile.

"Yoongi, you missed that feeling right"

"Of being in control, yeah, i feel great" Yoongi replied.

"You know, i might have overheard a little something that might happen later"

"Like what?"

"Well not to be a snitch but, when i was going to leave the stall these boys walked in, I dont know who they were but they said that they are planning to take you out but first they were gonna keep me away from you so that I wont throw you any weapons"

"I see, wait you have your set right, the back ups?"


"Good, I'm not sure where my set went, we are going to have to ask for another one"

"Alright got it" Hyun-wu replied as he sent a text to someone that he personally knows and they supply them with any weapons they need.

"You sent it"

"Yeah, it should come later to my place, I'll give it to you tomorrow"


"Do you have at least 3?"

"No only two, but it should be enough" Yoongi answered.

"Wait, when is this gonna happen?"

"Around break i think, so be ready"

"Got it" Yoongi replied, feeling excited for the fight. When the bell rang Yoongi and Hyun-wu quickly put the knives some where on their body before leaving the classroom, walking outside of the building, When Hyun-wu was tackled to the ground both Yoongi and Hyun-wu acted surprised.

"What the hell!" Hyun-wu yelled as he "tried" to get out of their hold.

"Who are you" Yoongi asked as he looked for the person in charge.

"I know you knew about this" The boy with blondish hair said, as if everything was going to plan.


"You can stop this acting of yours, because you won't be soon" The boy said, raising his voice to grab everyone's attention, causing all the students to get outside to watch. The blond smiled and did a hand signal telling his buddies to bring it in. Yoongi knows this because he's done it plenty of times but what he saw, he didn't expect.

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