Part 12

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-After Yoongi and Hyun-wu Hung out- 

When both Yoongi and Hyun-wu returned to Yoongi's house they saw the door open. They both looked at each other before slowly walking up to the front door. When they got close to the door they hear familiar female voices yelling about the house.

"Oh no"

"They're here" Yoongi whispered before they slowly started backing away from the door before it swung open to reveal their moms. 

"There you are! We both want this house cleaned up!" Yoongi's mother said.

"But it's already clea-"

"No its not! Now get in here!" Yoongi's mother said before pulling Yoongi into the house. Hyun-wu"s mother soon did the same and closed the door. And now they were both cleaning the house up and down. At the end their mothers decided to cook but when they opened the refrigerator they saw that it was empty.



"Where's your food?"

"There's food in the fridge"

"No, there's only junk. Dont tell me this is all you eat"

"It sorta is..."

"I want you and Hyun-wu to go to the store to buy food as in vegetables, meat, water and more" Yoongi's mother  said before giving Yoongi money and Hyun-wu's mother also gave Hyun-wu money. They were then pushed out of the house with the door closed behind them. They sighed before making their way to the store.

They grabbed many things like





-A pack of water bottles




- Eggs




And more. While they were walking down the aisles grabbing more food they saw someone that they didn't think they would see at 12 midnight in a convenience store. Hyun-wu was the first to see that person but didn't tell Yoongi since Yoongi would pull Hyun-wu out and Hyun-wu didn't want to clean the house Yoongi had because it was two floors.


Taehyung kept thinking about how Yoongi reacted when he saw him, when Taehyung pulled himself out of his thoughts he noticed that it got dark and that he was hungry. Taehyung then walked into a near by convenience store and walked through the aisles looking at snacks to buy but when he was walking by one aisle in particular he saw two particular figures that seemed similar and when one of then turned around Taehyung's eyes widened. It was Hyun-wu and Yoongi. Taehyung saw Hyun-wu turn his attention back to the food but didn't tell Yoongi anything.

"Is he giving me a chance?"  Taehyung thought to himself before walking towards the two. Taehyung walked closer and called Yoongi's name.


Yoongi turned around and saw Taehyung, Yoongi eyes widen and he grabbed Hyun-wu's hand.

"Lets go" Yoongi quickly said but Hyun-wu pulled back, not moving. Yoongi looked at Hyun-wu.

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