Part 59

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The next morning Taehyung woke Yoongi up early as he sat on top of him. Yoongi was going to sit up but Taehyung  held Yoongi down, which surprised him.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked confused as he tried to release his hands.

"Where did you go yesterday?"

"I went to a bar with Jimin...I think" Yoongi replied.

"Good, what happened after that?"

"We drank, him drinking to much so i decided it was time to leave"

"What else?" Taehyung asked.

"I walked him home because I felt like someone was following us"


"Ugh i dropped him off and came home walking-"

"Did anything happened on your way here?!"

"What- I dont remember- oh there was a girl"

"A girl?!"

"Eh yeah and suddenly she disappeared so i went to go check then some guys tried to rob her"


"I was going to help buy she said that the purse was useless and i decided to leave but she stopped me and-I-"

"what did she say!"

"Ugh a one night stand and that how girls would like to be with me for one night-"

"Did you?!"

"WHAT?! NEVER!- H-How could you think that....."


"You don't trust me..."

"No it's just that you were drunk and-"

"No, get off me!"


"No! I said get off me!" Yoongi yelled as he kicked around but Taehyung wouldn't let go so Yoongi tried rolling to the side which worked and Yoongi got up from the floor and stormed to the front door to put on his shoes. Just as he was about to open the door Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's wrist but Yoongi pulled away.

"Let me go!" Yoongi said angrily as he opened the door with his other hand and pulled away.

"Yoongi wait!" Taehyung yelled but Yoongi ignored him and kept walking away.

"What do i do" Taehyung asked as he went inside to go look for his phone and realized Yoongi forgot his.


"How could he not trust me?!" Yoongi asked himself as he began to feel tears rolling down his face. Yoongi tried to wipe the tears but they kept coming, Yoongi then decided to hide so that no one can see him. Yoongi's back was against the wall and he slid downward until he reached the floor.

"Why..." Yoongi cried as he tried to stop the tears.

"He never trusted you..."


"He never loved you..."

"No... he does it's just-"

"He never trusted you..."


"He won't even come looking for you..."

"He just needs to thin-"

"No, he knew what he did, that kid also knew, everyone is the same..."

"No they-"

"They dont care and never did, they used you because you're strong..."

"Strong?... No-"

"Feared by others"


"They hate you..."

"They...hate me..."

"They dont care about you..."

"They don' about me..."

"They never did..."

"They...never did..." Yoongi repeated and stood up wiping his last tear away.

I am eeeeeeeee i- *cries* so happy


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