~Chapter 28~

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(Chloe’s Pov)

I was lying in a hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. My head was banging. All I remember was being taken, is Mili talking to the police. What happened?

"Are you feeling any better?" A woman asked. The way she was dressed, I knew she was a nurse.

"A little, what happened?" I quietly asked.

"You passed out. Your sister is waiting outside" She said smiling.

"Can she come in?" I asked. She nodded and left the room. Mili then walked in, she kissed me on the forehead and sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"A little better, my heads banging" I moaned. "How's Julz?"

"She's ok, she had a concussion and lost a lot of blood. She's in the room opposite, but she's not awake yet" She said looking out of the door into her room.

"Does Louis know?" I asked.

"Yeah, they’re all on their way. He rang me before he said they would be about an hour"

"I thought they were working?" I asked. I couldn't wait to see Niall.

"I don't think they care, Louis had rang their management and explained they have a month off, and I also told Mark and Sarah they have gone to Julz’s house to tidy it. Sarah was so upset."

"Thank god, she needs him right now." I said sitting up on the white bed. The nurse walked back in with a clipboard.

"Well it seems that you may leave, just take some of these to ease the pain" she said handing me a box of tablets. Mili handed me some fresh clothes and I put them on, we didn't leave we waited for Julz to wake up.

It was 2:30am, me and Mili were sat in the waiting room. Julz still wasn't awake.

"Chloe" someone shouted, I turned to see the lads rushing down the corridor. Niall ran to me and pulled me close. His hand wrapped in my hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked whilst looking at the gash on my head.

"I'm fine, just aches" I said kissing him gently. He was ever so gentle. I loved him so much.

Mili was hugging Zayn. Louis was pacing trying to find a nurse.

I walked over to him and grabbed his arms, he turned and looked at me. "Louis are you ok?" I hugged him tightly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Where's Julz? Is she ok? I need to see her.. Excuse me?" He said to a nurse walking past. She stopped and stared at him blankly.

"What can I do for you?" She asked. She was an oldish women, I'd say about 50. I hope she would never operate on me, she would be shaking all over the place.

"Julz, Julz Emily Daly. Where is she?"

"I'll go and get" She rushed off.

"What kind of service is this here?" He shouted down the hall. He sat on one of the chairs and put his hands in his head. Mili sat down next to him and took his hand.

"She's in that room Louis. But we can't see her yet, because she's resting. She's had surgery, she lost an awful lot of blood, just relax. She's safe here" She said rubbing his back. He was so upset, I couldn't imagine how he felt. He was definitely the one for Julz. She was Lucky. As am I to have Niall. All three of us were lucky.

"I know, thanks. Have you heard from Paul since?" He asked, anger suddenly appeared in his face.

"No, he ran away just as we got there" Mili looked down covering her face.

"What about your management?" I asked, looking up at Niall. I was sat next to him leaning on his strong shoulders. He slid one arm around my waist.

"They understood ,we have a month off" Zayn said, whilst comforting Mili, who was sitting on his lap.

The nurse that looked after me came up to us, holding a clipboard. He was about 30 years old. Louis stood up eager to hear what he had to say, the rest of us copied Louis.

"I'm Louis, Julz’s boyfriend. Is she going to be ok?"

"I'm Dr Fleetwood. I operated on her a few hours ago. She has lost a lot of blood, from her concussion. But she's stable. You can go in to see her, she should be waking up any time soon" The Dr said. Putting out a hand for Louis to shake. Louis shook it firmly.

"Thanks" He said quietly, smiling at him as the Dr left. He turned to look at us, then walked towards Julz’s door and pushed it open.

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