~Chapter 79~

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(Chloe’s Pov)

"Hey" I said as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, how's everything?" Niall asked.

"Not so good" I signed as I looked at Mili. "She's so upset and mad. She had a go at us...and to be honest I don't blame her. We know that her and Ross have nothing going on and we didn't once tell Louis that" I was fiddling with a piece of loose thread off my cardigan.

"I don't know what to do. Louis is distraught, he's so mad, but I know inside its killing him" Niall quietly said. He was with the boys in there penthouse living room. I went to answer but Julz walked in. Her eyes were all red and she had tears rolling down her burning cheeks. She was heartbroken. We didn't say anything to her, nor did she. She walked straight past us and walked through the door which led to the corridor and then her room. Mili looked at me, signed and then looked back into her lap.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Julz just went to her room" I said.

"Did she say anything? How is she?"

"She said nothing. She has been crying and still is, I know she wants to talk to Louis, could he ring her?" I asked hoping Louis would agree to it.

"Gimme a sec" He said. It went silent but I heard slight mumbling, he was talking to Louis.

"He said he would rather talk to her face to face" Niall signed.

"But you’re in America" I said, Mili looked at me confused.

"Yeah but we get to come back for a week in a few days. I thought I told you" Niall sound cheery now. It did bring a smile to my face, Mili smiled at me, she must of guessed what was happening.

"No you didn't. That's great, but...what if it doesn't end well"

"That's up to them. But for now talk to Julz and make her feel good and happy, but don't mention us coming. It might stress her out more"

"Ok we will don't worry"

"Okay then, I've gotta go, I'm gonna have a long chat with Louis about the situation, calm him down a little. He is upset about the argument before, he hasn't told me what they said though, but it sounds like it might of been bad"

"Ok I love you"

"Love you more"

I hung up and turned the phone in my hands. I looked at Mili.

"Well they’re coming for a week in a few days. Don't mention It to Julz, and were gonna go talk to her...so come on" I pulled myself up and put my hand out to offer Julz help. She took my hand and I pulled her up. We walked upstairs to Julz’s room and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so I opened it slightly. Julz was sat on the couch watching the tv. She was sniffling and was crying. I couldn't stand to see her this upset, I was going to sort this no matter what it takes and Julz and Louis will be together again and getting married next year, I guarantee that!

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