~Chapter 49~

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"It's too hot" MIi complained as she rubbed more sun cream on her arms.

"Better than being too cold" I said, as I pulled my sunglasses onto my eyes. We were sat on sun loungers on the beach. I was on my iPad doing some work.

"Hey, have you noticed those 3 lads over there?" Chloe asked as she pointed.

"What about them?" I asked looking down at my IPad.

"They keep looking over here"

"And you’re interested why?" I asked looking at her face. She shrugged her shoulders.

"They’re coming over" Mili said as she pulled her sunglasses down to peek over the top of them. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Johnny, this is Damien and this is Tom" I heard someone say, I was still looking down at my IPad.

"Hi, I'm Chloe, this is Mili and this is Julz"

"Hi" Another said. I looked up from my IPad. Johnny was tall, blonde hair. Quite attractive but not like Louis. Damien had brown spiky hair, and Tom had black hair with a lot of freckles. I didn't want to be nasty so I just smiled.

"I'm going to get another drink anyone want one?" I asked as I put my iPad in my bag, and got up off the sun lounger. The boys had a concert tonight, so it was just us, except I think we now have more company? I walked towards our Villa slowly.

"Hey" I turned around to see Johnny walking next to me.

"Hi" I smiled as I kept walking.

"So you’re dating Louis Tomlinson? The girls told us" He said, with his hands in his shorts pockets.

"Yeah" I smiled.

He nodded. "So how long have you been together for?"

"For about 6 months now" why was he asking me this?

"Cool. So how did you guys meet?"

"I'm sorry to sound like a nasty person, but can I ask why you wanna know this?" I said looking at him.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to know" He said sheepishly, looking at the ground.

I nodded and reached the front door of the villa.

I went inside and opened the fridge and pulled out 3 bottles of water. I think Johnny had waited outside, he was starting to bug me a little.

"I'll walk you back" He said as I walked out of the villa.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Fancy then eh?" He said looking at the villa looking at it over his shoulders.

"Yeah, it’s lovely" I agreed.

"Not as lovely as you" He said. I smiled and carried on walking a little faster, I was hoping he would get the point. I didn't want to be nasty to him. We got back to the girls, the two boys were sat talking to them.

"Here" I said passing Chloe and Mili a bottle of water each. They smiled. We just sat there for ages talking to these boys, who we didn't even know. Chloe and Mili seemed to enjoy talking to them, but I hated it. I just wanted Louis. Johnny kept on asking questions about my relationship. I answered but in simple detail, it was really none of his concern.

"Anyway we should head back its late" I said as I stood up on the cold sand. It was dark now, it was 8pm. Louis would be in his concert now and wouldn't be returning until tomorrow.

"We will walk you" Johnny said turning to me.

"I'm sorry if you haven't seemed to have understood the hint I was giving out to you. But we are not interested, we have boyfriends, ok? We can walk back on our own" I snapped, there were definitely coming onto us.

"Were sorry, we didn't..." Tom said.

"Julz don't be so rude" Mili said looking at me in shame.

"Are you forgetting Zayn here Mili? And Niall? They wouldn't want you flirting with people you don't know" I said seriously.

"Were not flirting" They said in unison.

"Oh yeah, well there definitely waiting to make a move, now come on we should go" I said trying to pull them away. But they shrugged away. I gave them a confused look.

"Julz were not stupid, were just being sociable" Chloe said. “And don't tell us what to do.. We don't tell you"

"Well I'm sorry for caring" I shouted as I walked off back to the villa. I couldn't take falling out with them. I just cared about their relationships, with Zayn and Niall. Total strangers. I hope they come back to the villa, they seem pretty mad at me. But I was right.

It had been 2 hours since I had seen the girls, they hadn't come back. I was worrying. I rang Chloe’s phone. No answer. I tried Mili’s. No answer. I grabbed my bag and left the villa strolling down the steps to the beach. I strolled down the beach searching for them. They weren't anywhere to be seen. I rang them both again and still had no answer. When I reached the villa Chloe and Mili were in the living room sat on the couch. The boys were also there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked pointing at the three boys.

They didn't answer. "We asked them in, its ok" Chloe said frowning at me.

"Well I think you should leave" I said. They got up and walked towards the door I held open for them.

"You don't have to" Mili shouted after them. They had soon left. Hoping I would never see them again.

"Why do you ruin everything?" Chloe asked. They stood in front of me, both of their arms crossed, serious faces.

"Ruin everything? How?" I asked.

"They are really nice, they only wanted to be friends" Mili said.

"Friends, you have known them for about 3 hours, and the minute they walked over they were making a move" I explained.

"Like you care" Mili sniggered. How could she say that?

"I'll have you know. I was walking up and down on that beach trying to find you, I was so worried. I rang both of you. I'm not bossing you around. They might have been 3 of the nicest boys around. But that makes no excuse, what about Zayn and Niall I asked.

"What about them?" Chloe shrugged.

"Well, they wouldn't exactly want 3 boys in a villa with you would they?"

"It doesn't mean we don't care about them" Mili said shrugging her shoulders.

"I didn't say that.." I began.

"You know what just don't tell us what to do" Chloe interrupted, her voice was filled with anger. She pushed past me and walked into her room. Then Mili left and joined her. They didn't understand. I couldn't wait till Louis was back. I went to bed and hoped to have a good night’s sleep, but I couldn't. I was in such a bad mood.

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