~Chapter 87~

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Today was my last whole day with Louis before he had to leave. Chloe and Niall had gone out together, Zayn had took Mili out. Me, Liam and Harry were watching tv.

"Guys you wanna go to this fair that's on?" Louis asked as he walked in the room. I put the remote down on the sofa and got up.

"I'll go get my bag" I tapped Louis on the bum as I went, he turned around and raised his eyebrows, I winked and raced up the stairs grabbing my bag off our bed. I then went back downstairs.

"Let's go" I said opening the front door gesturing for them to go.

"Someone’s in a good mood" Harry grinned as he walked towards Louis car.

"Well I'm not gonna be sad on our last day" I opened the door and got in the passenger seat next to Louis.

When we reached the fair, there were a few fans asking for autographs and photos. The boys didn't mind signing them. Me and Louis sat together on the Ferris Wheel, and Liam and Harry sat together on the next cart.

"So what are you gonna be doing whilst were on tour?" Louis asked, putting his arm around my cold waist. It was freezing at the top, and we had been on the fair for almost 5 hours, and it was 9pm already.

"Work and stuff. Besides you come back in December, for your birthday, Christmas, new year and then our wedding" I shivered.

"And I can't wait for that" He whispered and kissed my lips.

"GUYS!" Harry shouted splitting us apart.

We looked over to the next cart to see Liam and Harry both facing us. I blushed a little, bit my lip and looked at my lap.

Louis laughed. When it had gone around the whole 3 times, we had to get off. Louis took my hand helping me to get out of the cart. I smiled as to say thank you.

"Hey can we go in Pasaje Del Terror, I seen it when we were at the top" Harry said leading us to the entrance. I didn't look very welcoming; there was a picture of a man with a white face and blood dripping from his mouth. And there were tvs with people running out of a door, screaming, which must of led to a horror bar or something.

"You going in?" Louis asked looking at me.

"Err...NO WAY" I said stating the obvious, he knew I would have said no.

"Aww why not?" Liam said "it will be fun"

"Nope. It doesn't look very welcoming. Now let's go" I said trying to pull Louis away from it, he didn't move. He was too strong for me.

Suddenly Harry picked me up so I was over his shoulders and carried me to line where you bought tickets for it. I tightened my grip and started punching his back.

"Harry put me down" I squealed. "People are looking"

"Only if you come in" He said.


He put me down next to him and asked the women for 4 tickets.

"Make that 3" I smiled and turned around to walk to Louis, but bumped into Liam.

I signed and turned around to look at Harry.

"Please don't make me go in here, I'll do anything" I said pretending to cry and placed the palms of my hands together.

"We are already in the line now" Harry smirked. Louis leaned against the line rails. I put my arms around his waist.

"Lou please" I mumbled in his chest.

"Aww come on Julz, it will be fun"

I pulled away and shook my head.

When the man came out of a door and asked a group of us to go with him. Louis put his arm around my waist as we walked towards him. We were in front with Harry and Liam and a group of other people behind us. The man was in front leading us down a dark corridor. I clutched Louis waste tighter and pulled my chest closer to his.

"I'll make it up to you later" he whispered in my ear.

"Nothing is going to make up for this" I whispered back, grinning. Liam turned around and laughed.

The man stopped in front of a door and knocked 3 times, then a women came dressed as a witch. I tell you they had good costume and make up.

They were talking to us about something, but I wasn't really listening. I only caught the bad points. "No running"

I stood in front of Louis and pulled his hands around my stomach, gripping him tighter. He placed his head on top of mine, as we walked through this maze thing. It was pitch black and I couldn't see where I was going. I hated it and wanted to curl up in a ball and die. All 3 of them were going to pay for this, one way or another. As we walked through each dark room, there were different scenes, such as Zombies, Jason, the exorcist, Freddie crugar. I absolutely hated. When someone jumped out in front of me dressed as IT the clown. I jumped out of my skin, and let go of Louis, pushed past Harry and Liam and ran through the whole thing blocking out everything in my path. I went through more terrifying rooms on my own. Eventually I made it out. It took me about 2 minutes; I was panting for breath, and was nearly in tears. It seemed I was in a horror bar. The whole maze was underground anyway.

"Wow! How did that go for you honey?" A lady asked me who was sat at a table, there was barely no one there. Some people were playing pool and stuff. It was pitch black in there, with only little lights.

"Yeah, don't go in there" I warned.

"I don't want to. My 11 year old son has gone in there on his own" She shrugged.

"Well he's more brave than me" I said. She smiled. I walked over to a free table and chairs, and waited for the boys. It took me 2 minutes to get out of that place and I ran so it was probably gonna take them about 5 minutes.

After the 5 minutes Harry, Liam and Louis ran out, all panting.

"That was so fun" Liam said coming over and sat down on the seat next to me.

"Oh really" I said sarcastically.

"You ran the rest on your own" Harry said, as he took a sip of my bottle of water I had got.

"Well I wanted to get out of there and I want to get out of here so can we go?" I said standing up.

"Someone doesn't look very happy" Louis said catching up to me on the stairs, Liam and Harry followed behind, laughing and joking about their experience in there.

"Well firstly you forced me in there, when you knew I didn't like it" I said. I wasn't mad just really freaked out.

"It was funny though right" he said taking my hand.

"Yeah I suppose" I smiled. It was nice to finally have some fresh air.

"So where now?" Liam said coming up behind us.

"How about home. I have a lot of making up to do" Louis smiled, he whispered the last sentence to me, I giggled. And followed them back to the car.

When we went home, it looks like everyone was home and in bed. So we all just went to bed ourselves.

I shut the door in our apartment, Louis stood there staring at me, sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"So you have a lot of making up to do" I said as I walked up to him and put my hands around his neck.

"Yes, yes I do and I'm sorry about making you go in there" He said placing his hands on my hips.

"Your forgiven" I whispered and put my lips against his to silence him.

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