~Chapter 32~

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It was September 10th and today I was moving to London with Louis. I couldn't wait to see London, I had never been before.

"I'm going to miss you so much" My mum cried, hugging me.

"Me to" I mumbled.

I let go off her and turned to my dad. He had his arms open, inviting me for a hug. I took his invitation and hugged him tightly.

"Nana and grandad would be so proud of you" He whispered. All I could do was smile.

"Right then" I said letting go, to see 4 girls standing in a line.

"Will you ring me and tell me what its like, working for Disney?" Lottie asked as I pulled her in for a massive hug.

"Yep, ill ring and tell you everything" I kissed her on the forehead, and moved on to Felicity, then to Pheobe and then to Daisy.

"Look after my little boy will you?" Jay pulled me in for a hug. I have had a lot of hugs today.

"Don't worry I will"

"Come on Julz we need to beat traffic" Louis called as he shut the boot of his car. I said bye to everyone and got into the car. I was going to miss Doncaster, my family, my grandparents, my home which my mum was now looking after in case I came back, even to visit. Niall had asked Chloe to move in with him, and Zayn asked Mili. They were hitting the road tomorrow with Harry and Liam. Chloe and Mili went to the same college but studied different things. They switched colleges to the one in London, which was far better.

I wound down the window, and waved bye. Louis had one hand on the steering wheel whilst waving. But soon put both of them back on.

I rested my head on the headrest, and listened to the music. We were listening to my iPod, which was now playing The Rolling Stones. We had been driving for at least 3 hours now. We went to bed early the last night so we both had the energy. This morning we left at 8am and it was now 11:30. We just chatted on the way, Louis had sunglasses on with one arm on the window frame and the other on the steering wheel. We chatted about when Chloe and Mili used to always play pranks on me. One time, Mili had cut the electric, and dressed up like the exorcist, I was proper scared, it was hilarious.

It was now 2pm and Louis had drove down a small road which had a lot of trees around it. There was a big black gate with a large wall. Louis put his arm out of the window and typed in a code. The gate opened and he drove inside. He parked his car next to a load of other cars. They were 6 altogether including Louis'.

"Wow, you guys like cars" I smiled as I got out of the car. Louis came around to meet me, he took my hand and pulled me towards a white building with a lot of glass windows.

"Yeah, we have one each, and the bigger one. Is for all of us when we go out or something"

He opened the double glass doors, and pulled me inside. Inside there was a plasma screen, a kitchen and lots of game things. An xbox, a nintendo wii, a pool table and things like that.

"This is where we all hang out together" Louis said as he watched my face. At the opposite side of the room there was another big glass door. Outside there was a massive swimming pool, with lots of sun loungers and umbrellas.

"Wow" was all I could say.

He giggled and pulled me towards a door on the right. Which led to some stairs. It was all decorated nicely, it reminded me of a beach house. There was then a little corridor and three doors. One on the right end of the corridor. I could see outside through the glass windows which shined. It definitely beat mine and Louis home in Doncaster.

"That's Liam’s room, and that's Harry’s" he then pointed to the middle one.

"And that's ours" He opened the door on the left, and stepped inside, pulling me in.

There was a plasma tv ,sofas, and a kitchen, it was the living room and kitchen, the opposite wall was just mostly all glass which had long draped curtains, which were at the sides off them. There was another door on the left which led to a bedroom, which I'm guessing was Louis'. Then there was an on suite, which was gorgeous. There was another door next to the bedrooms door. It was a small room that had a bed in it. It was decorated nicely, it was welcoming.

"So what do you think?" Louis asked spinning me around in his arms, so I faced him. His arms wrapped around my hips.

"It's all gorgeous" I said, kissing him on the nose.

"All of our rooms are the same, Niall and Zayn's rooms are on the right side of the building. It's all yours" Louis said.

I put my arms up from his shoulders and put them in his hair. "Thank you" I kissed him on the lips, he pulled away.

"We have all of this to ourselves tonight" Louis said winking at me.

I chuckled. "Don't think so Tomlinson" I said as I let him go and opened the door, leading to the corridor. He made a sad face. "Come on I have to bring in my stuff" I said as he walked out of the door. We went to the car and carried my stuff in, it took a couple of journeys from the car to the room. It was mostly all clothes, my work ,my iPod, laptop, iPad and family belongings. My necklace was swaying around on my neck as I carried them in.

"Well that's the last" I said as I put the box on the light cream carpet.

"I'll put these in the bedroom" Louis said as he carried it in the bedroom. I didn't know where to start. I noticed that something was missing. I scanned the boxes looking.


"What is something wrong?" Louis said as he rushed in.

"Where's my baby?" I asked, with an upset face.

He shot me a confused look.

"If I have forgotten it. We’re driving back" I said as I looked around the room.

"What?" Louis asked, still confused.

"My guitar" I asked.

"Oh it’s in the bedroom, I took it in before, with your music books" He said with a huge grin on his face.

"If you have looked at them books, Tomlinson" I said with a raised eyebrow. It was books, that was filled with my own music, lyrics, guitar notes. It was like my diary. He bit his lip.

"I read one" He said, with a guilty look on his face.

"Oh really? Which one?" I asked.

"It was called Ours, it was brilliant" a huge smile came on his face.

"Oh well I'm glad you like it, because that one’s about you" I said, taking things out of the box.

"You wrote a song about me?" He asked, taking my laptop out of my hands.

"Well what did you think I wrote about.. My day out at chester zoo" He giggled.

"Well If you must know, I thought it was brilliant" He said putting the laptop on an empty desk and pulling me in for a hug. "You’re not mad at me are you?"

I pulled away to look at him. "Of course not" He smiled and kissed me on the lips. It was a gentle kiss.

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