~Chapter 77~

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"Morning Guys" I yawned as I walked into the newly decorated room. Mili and Chloe looked at me, I didn't like the look on their faces.

"What?" I asked as walked towards them.

"I think you should see this" Chloe said as she slid todays Heat Magazine to me across the table. I picked it up and looked at the page.

My heart sank.

The headline read.

'Soon To Be Mrs Tomlinson, Caught Cheating' I looked at the article, there was a picture of me and Ross outside Starbucks we were both laughing. There was another Small picture in the corner of me and Ross hugging.

"Oh my god" I said with a worried look on my face. "What if Louis has seen this?" I asked quickly standing up and pacing.

"We did warn you" Chloe said with a serious look.

"What's that mean, that I can't go out with a friend that's a boy" I said. I was worried that Louis might read it and get the wrong idea. I chucked the magazine on the table and put my face in one hand, still pacing.

"No it doesn't, you just have to be careful" Chloe said.

"Like I was to know people were going to take pictures" I took a deep breath. I had to be at work in half an hour and I was going to be late if I didn't leave.

"I need to ring Louis, cya later" I grabbed my bag ,car keys and work stuff and went to my car. On the way there I rang Louis. There was no answer. When I reached work I stopped the engine and text Louis.

'Hey Lou, I really need to talk to you it’s really important xxx' I sent it hoping he would read it and text back. As I stepped into my office Ross was sat on the desk, just like a kid.

"Morning" He said as I placed my stuff down on the desk. I smiled. "Wanna go out again later, I wrote a song I wanted you to hear it" He sounded happy, maybe he didn't see the article.

"Erm...I'd love to hear it but now’s not a good time Ross" I said trying to hide my worried face by smiling.

"Ok what's up? You would never give up the offer to hear a song" He said standing in front of me so I couldn't leave the room.

I went and sat on my office chair. "Have you seen the article, about us?"

He pulled a confused face. I reached into my bag and pulled the magazine out and passed it to him. As he read it his face become blanker, he brought it down onto his lap slowly.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault! Louis?" He said quickly getting up and pacing. He did that a lot.

"No it’s not your fault, it’s just the press. They stir everything, I just hope Louis doesn't get the wrong idea" Ross new I was upset, he pulled me in for a hug and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"It’s ok, I'm sure he trusts you, and besides call him" He said rubbing my back.

"I have and he didn't answer so I texted him and he would of seen it because there having a day to themselves" I cried. This was the second time I would of hurt him, the first was Liam and now this. I was a terrible girlfriend.

Just then my phone rang, I pulled away from Ross and quickly answered the phone, it was Louis. I wiped my eyes.

"Hey" I said.

"Do you mind explaining then?" Louis said, he sounded mad and frustrated but also upset.

"Louis, it’s not what it looks like, me and Ross grew up together and we haven't seen each other since Grag and we work together and we went out to catch up, it was nothing else Louis I promise" I answered.

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