~Chapter 47~

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"Bye" Everyone said as we pulled out of the drive. Louis was driving. We all waved bye.

"So, when do you go back on tour?" I asked Louis who was looking at the road.

"This Friday" He said, turning out of the estate. I smiled.

"Cool" I said looking out of the window. I couldn't stop thinking about my brother Jason. The past day he had really bad heartburn, and he was flown back to America last night. I told him to ring me when he lands. I was so worried about him.

We reached London for about 11am. We had left at 7am. Niall decided that he was hungry so we went to Nando’s. I sat next to Chloe and Mili whilst the boys sat around us.

"So.. We wanted to ask you girls something?" Niall said as I stopped fiddling with my bracelet and looked up.

"We want you to come on tour with us, to America" He said smiling.

"Really" Mili said.

"Really" Niall replied.

Chloe was speechless she loved America.

"So.. Do you?" Louis asked with a huge smile showing off his white sparkling teeth.

"Why would I say no? Of course we will come" I screeched.

"Good, our management will pay of course, it’s only for 2 months" Harry said taking a swig of his coke. We all smiled.

"It will be so good. I have always wanted to go to America" Chloe said, she was very excited.

"Yeah when Julz went she didn't ask if we wanted to go with her" Mili said rolling her eyes at me.

"Excuse me. I asked you and you said no, I even offered to pay" I said cheekily.

"I know you did thanks" Mili said nodding.

"Anyway how about we go home?" Niall asked, as I yawned. I was pretty shattered.

We went home, and I had a quick shower. I had a shower every day, I loved them. When I was little me ,Chloe and Mili used to share a bath. I never get a bath, it’s now always a shower.

We chilled for a few hours. Then we all went to bed.

I was lying next to Louis. I lay on my back, with Louis' arm around my stomach, his head rested on the crook of my neck.

"You’re gonna love coming on tour with us. It will be great" Louis whispered.

I was playing his hair, twiddling it in my fingers. He had beautiful hair.

"Yeah it will be, thanks" I said.

"What's up? You’re very quiet?" Louis whispered, removing his arm from my stomach, leaned off me and stay still on his side, whilst he looked me in the eyes.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said. I was so worried about Jason he hadn't rang me.

Louis raised an eyebrow. "Julz.. Come on you can tell me anything?"

"I know" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. He smiled. "Well, Jason wasn't so well he left to go to the airport and he said he would ring me when he landed, but he hasn't and I'm just worried"

"I'm sure he's fine babes. Give him a ring" Louis said as he leant forward and kissed my forehead.

I turned around and grabbed my phone of the side. I dialled my Jason’s number. It was 10pm so he should be awake I'm not sure what time it is over there.

"Hello" he answered

"Hey Jase. You didn't ring me" I whispered.

"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry Julz, I have really bad jetlag"

"No problem, I was just worrying. Anyway you get some sleep" I whispered.

"Aww thanks Julz. Night, Love you" He said.

"Night love you to" I said. I hung up and put the phone back on my side.

"He's fine?" Louis asked.

"Yeah" I smiled. I wrapped my arm around his stomach and he pulled me close, and that is how we fell asleep.

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