Chapter 68

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Nicole's P.O.V

"I'm sor~" my jaw dropped. Cameron stood there and just looked at me. I started walking again until he called my name out.

"Nicole wait!" He grabbed my arm and I slapped him in his face.

"Don't touch me." I said in disgust.

"Nicole please just, lets talk." He said and I laughed.

"Why don't you go talk to your fucking daughter." I spat and Megan came up with the baby in her arms and my stomach dropped. That baby has none of Cameron's features.

"Lets go Cameron Hailey is getting fussy." She said while looking at me the whole time. Bitch.

"I hate you." I spat and walked away and Sabrina stood there with her mouth open.

"Do you want me to call Jack?" She asked as I started crying.

"No! No! He can't know this happened he'll find Cameron and it won't be pretty he'll flip out." I wiped my tears away and tried to control my shaking.

"Ok, Nicole it's ok." She held me as I put my head down and cried. She led me to the bathroom and I grabbed a tissue. I wiped my face and took a deep breath.

"Ok let's go." I said while we went into Victoria secret.

"You never cry Nicki are you ok?" She asked as I started looking at the bras.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that I was taken aback by seeing him you know?" I said and held up a bra.

She shook her head and I put the bra down.

"Oh the boys want us down at the food court." She said and I nodded. I pulled my phone out and  took pictures with Sabrina. We got downstairs to the food court and approached the guys.

"What do you guys want?" I asked while looking at our pictures.

"Oh umm Justin's birthday is tonight and he invited us." Matt said and I looked at him weird.

"Justin who?" I asked.

"Bieber who else?" I put my hand over my mouth.

"No way." I started fangirling I mean come on, Justin Bieber.

"Yeah his party starts at nine thirty, ten." Matt said and I nodded.

"Ok what so you want to leave now?" I asked while looking at the time. 4:37.

"Wait the time went by fast." I said in shock.

"Yeah we should leave now." Gilinsky said and I nodded. We all went back to me and Jacks house and we killed time by playing games like little kids.

We called for a car because we know that none of us are gonna be able to drive back home. I sat next to Gilinsky as he put his hand on my butt and kept it there. He looked down at me and made a face.

"Stop don't make that face." I tried to push his face away, but failed. He looked down at me as I looked in his eyes.

"What?" He asked and I smiled.

"Nothing." He smiled really big and I kissed his neck.

"Say anything, go!" Johnson said while pointing at me.

"Mexican." I laughed and it continued until we reached Justin's house. I got out while holding Jacks hand and we went through the back.

"Matt hey!" I heard Justin say to Matthew.

"Holy shit." I said and quickly composed myself.

"What's good Gilinsky? Who's this?" He asked while looking at me.

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