Chapter 15

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up in Taylor's arms and wiggled out of his hold. I brushed my teeth, and changed into a skull shirt, and tucked it into my high waisted shorts, and threw on a pair of combat boots. I flattened my hair and did my makeup. I applied a cream eye shadow with a wing, and bold eyeliner on the bottom and mascara. I put on some lip gloss and left the bathroom. Taylor is still sleeping, so I left the room, and went into Nash's room. Hayes was awake so I jumped on his bed.

"Hey." I said.

"Did you sleep well?" Hayes winked at me.

"Me and Taylor didn't do anything little boy." I said and ruffled his hair.

"I'm not a little boy." He defended.

"You're 14." I chuckled.

"So? Im a grown man." I laughed so hard.

"Ok whatever you say." Someone came in, and my stomach dropped when I saw Cameron. It always happens for some reason.

"Do you want to get some breakfast?" Cameron asked both me and hayes.

"I can't I have to do something." Hayes said.

"Then, do you want to get some?" He asked me.

"Sure." I got up and walked out of the door with Cameron. We walked in silence until we got in the elevator.

"So there might be fans down there, so if there are you might want to stay close to me." Cameron said.

"Ok." I said, and the elevator door opened and there were like 80 people there.

"CAMERON." I heard someone yell and  they all came rushing toward us. Security came and tried to block them. I held onto Cameron's hand and entwined our fingers. We walked out and these girls were crying and trying to touch him.

"CAMERON I LOVE YOU!" someone yelled.

"I love you too." Cameron said and we got into a little cafe that's in the hotel and it has clear glass windows. I looked back at the girls that were banging on the windows and it was crazy. Cameron waved over to me to come get some food. I went over and got some bacon and eggs and pancakes. We sat at a table and started eating.

"Cameron, these girls are crazy for you." I said.

"Oh like you're not." He smiled his cute smile.

"No like I'm saying that you're just a normal person."

"I know it's crazy how much my life has changed." He said.

"How come you never told me about this?" I asked.

"Because we were too busy having sex." He laughed as I threw a piece of bacon at him.

"You better start running." He said and I darted up from out of my seat and ran to the other side of the room, Cameron chased after me. I grabbed mustard from the rack and pointed it at him.

"You wouldn't." He challenged.

"Oh yeah?" I squirted it at him and ran past him. He soon caught up to me and grabbed my arms.

"Say sorry daddy for throwing the bacon at you." He said.

"No." I laughed. His grip tightened.

"Say I'm sorry daddy I've been a bad girl."

"Fine.... sorry daddy I've been a bad girl."

"And I will never do it again."

"And I will never do it again." I repeated and we sat back down.

"Wow you can actually not be an asshole." I said to Cameron who was eating his pancakes.

"Yeah, are you ready?" He asked.

"Yup." I said as we got up and walked out through the back where there aren't that many fans.

"Cameron can I have a picture?" A girl asked and Cameron posed. I smiled to myself and Cameron grabbed my hand again as we went in the elevator. I separated my hand from his.

"Thank you for making sure that I didn't get hurt." I said.

"Anytime." He smiled at me and I smiled back. The elevator door opened and we got off. This day is gonna be long.

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