Chapter 63

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Nicole's P.O.V

I got off the counter and ran upstairs. I walked in the room and Gilinski was pissed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"This asshole wants to go and put his nasty disgusting sweaty foot on me." Gilinski laughed and I let out a breath of relief.

"Oh I thought something happened." I said while laughing.

"I'm gonna go guys." I said and hugged them.

"Put your number in my phone." Sabrina said and I did.

"It was nice meeting you." I said to her and looked at Gilinski.

"Text me." I said and he nodded. I walked downstairs with Cameron by my side.

I grabbed my towel and walked out the door.

"So can we get back together?" Cameron asked as we started walking to my house.

"I think we can work our way back to where we used to be." I said and looked at him.

"Ok I'll take that." He said and I smiled and looked down.

"I had sex with four people while we were apart." He said and I looked at him.

"Ok, I had sex with Sammy." I said.

"Yeah I know that."

"And I was gonna have sex with Gilinski if you didn't do what you did." I said and his eyes widened.

"Nicole!" He said while acting shocked.

"Stop it because you had sex with four people you jerk." I lightly pushed him and he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. I looked down at our hands.

"Remeber when you surprised me and told me that I could come on tour with you, and we were holding hands and you told me that our hands fit perfectly together?" I asked and he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I remember that, and our hands do fit together." He held our hands up to his mouth and kissed my hand.

"Cameron," I said.

"Yeah?" He asked as I looked down.

"Why did you leak the pictures that I sent you?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Because I wasn't thinking and I thought that if you thought it was someone else you would come back to me." He said as we approached my house. I held my tears in and walked up the stairs with Cameron following me.

I sat in my chair and started balling my eyes out.

"Hey, hey don't cry." He said.

"It just really hurts because I can't trust you like I used to and I never ever thought that you would be the one to hurt me this bad." I said while wiping my tears away. He crouched down.

"I'm so so so so sorry Nicki I wasn't thinking straight I didn't mean to hurt you like this." His voice started to sound shaky.

"I'm sorry, I know you get uncomfortable when I cry." I said.

"Yeah I don't like it especially knowing that you're crying because of my stupid ass." He said as I looked down.

"It's always hard letting go of someone you love and I'm not ready to let you go, I don't know why because I know I shouldn't be with you it's like a part of me is saying forget him you don't need him and the other part of me is saying fight for him, keep him you love this man." I said while looking him in the eye the whole time.

"It was a low thing of me to do, I deleted them right after you came to my house." He said as I got up and walked over to my bed.

"But they're still out there." I said while laying down. Cameron came and laid beside me. He grabbed my leg and entwined it with his.

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