Chapter 16

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Cameron's P.O.V

Nicole is so beautiful, I don't want to fall for her, but I cant help it the way she smiles at me drives me crazy, and every time I see her, I get major butterflies.

Nicole's P.O.V

"Uhh Cameron, I'm gonna go see your fans." I said, just because I want to see why they like him so much.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" He asked.

"No it's ok, but can I have some chap stick?" I asked and he went in his pocket. He handed me the tube and I put some on my lips. I didn't give it back to him. I went in the elevator, and went downstairs. The doors opened and I went over to the fans who now had barricades around them.

"Hi guys." I smiled and they stood up and smiled.

"Oh my god hi, are you Cameron's girlfriend?" One of them asked.

"No I'm just his friend, and Nash and Hayes are my cousins." I explained they started jumping up and down.

"OH MY GOD!" They screamed.

"I actually have Cameron's chap stick." I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Can I have it?" They all asked at once.

"Well, it is Cameron's so I'm gonna call him and ask him." I pulled my phone out and called him.

"Hello?" He said.

"Umm your fans want your chap stick." I put it on speaker.

"Ok." He said. I asked the girls their names.

"Alright so pick a name. Alex, Amanda, Chloe, or Megan." I said.

"Umm Amanda." He said and I handed the girl with blonde wavy hair his chap stick.

"Here say something to her." I put the phone closer to her.

"Oh my god I love you so much Cameron" She said.

"I love you too beautiful I cant wait to see your gorgeous face today" He said to her and she started crying.

"Alright bye Cameron." I hung up.

"Thank you so much." The girl said still while crying. I hugged her.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because I just talked to Cameron Dallas."

"So he's normal." I shrugged.

"No he's so beautiful and funny." She said.

"Can I have a picture?" She asked and I nodded and posed.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" One of them asked.

"Yes actually, Taylor." I said and they all went crazy.

"Taylor Caniff?" They asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Where is he?"

"He's still sleeping." I said.

"Where's Nash?"

"He's sleeping too." I laughed.

"I have to go now guys it was nice talking to you guys." I smiled and walked into the elevator and got to the hotel room. I walked in and Taylor was standing there. He had his back toward me so I hugged his waist from behind.

"Morning babe." He said and I smiled.

"Morning." He rubbed my arm with his hand as I rested my head on his back. I saw Cameron sitting on the bed looking at me. I released my arms from Taylor's waist and kissed him.

"You guys have to get in the van now, we have to go." Bart their manager said and I held Taylor's hand. We walked trough the hotel and got in the elevator. I stood in front of Taylor, so I backed up onto him so that my butt was touching his area. He put his arms around me from behind.

"Aww you guys are SO cute." Matt said sarcastically.

"Suck my dick Matt." Taylor said.

"Yeah suck his dick." I laughed.

"Pussy." Matt said to Taylor and they started like wrestling. I laughed. The door opened and we went through the back of the hotel and got in the van. I sat by Cameron and touched his neck. He flinched.

"Awww sorry." I said and pouted.

"It's alright babe." He said in response. I got up and sat across from him. I suddenly got the familiar feeling. I want him and I want him now.

"Alright let's make a deal, if Nicole beats you in rock paper scissors, then we can all play with her." Jack G said.

"No." Taylor said.

"No what?" I asked.

"They want to play rock paper scissors with you." Taylor said. 


"It's different... if you win you get to smack me, and if I win I get to kiss you, and they want to play with you."

"Ok let's go, wait so if I beat you, I have to play with all of them?" I asked.

"Yeah." Taylor sighed. I went up to him and we started playing. I threw a rock and Taylor threw a scissor. The boys went crazy.

"Now slap me." He said and I slapped him right across the face.

"Who's next?" I asked and Matt came up to me and sat where Taylor was previously sitting. I threw a rock and he threw down a paper. I grabbed his face and pecked his lips. He smiled and Cameron's face replaced Matt's. I took a deep breath and prayed that I won. I threw down a scissor and he threw down a rock, his next move shocked me and everyone else.

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