Chapter 34

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Nicole's P.O.V

I got home and threw my book bag on the floor. I went upstairs and went on my laptop. I got a notification on my youtube. Cameron Dallas uploaded a video. I was hesitant to click it, but I did. Cameron's face popped up and I smiled.

"Hey guys, sorry that I couldn't upload a video sooner, something came up. Anyway so basically, I just want to talk to you guys about my relationship and what's going on. So, I'm gonna be completly honest and open and I'm basically gonna vent to you guys. So recently my girlfriend had a pregnancy scare and it was really stressful, and it was just a hard time. Then when I figure out that she's not pregnant she breaks up with me." He puts his head in his hands and when he brings his face up he's crying.

"Sorry guys, um and I miss her a lot, she was my other half, she kept me happy, she kept me sane, she kept me balanced and I just loved her so much. She was my everything, if I wasn't feeling good or I had a bad day she would bring me up, she was my sunshine. She was the first girl that I've ever actually truly loved." By now I was crying too.

I didn't know that I could have this affect on someone. I didn't bother watching the rest of the video. I grabbed my keys and drove to Cameron's house. I pulled up to his house and ran out the car. I knocked on the door and Nash answered it.

"Hey N~" I cut him off by pushing past him and running up to Cameron's room. I barged into his room and he was looking at himself in the mirror. I ran up to him and grabbed his face into my hands. I kissed his lips and he hugged my waist tight. I looked in his eyes and he looked in mine.

"Why did you come?" He asked as I played with the hem of his shirt.

"Because I hated being away from you, and I saw your video, I don't like knowing that I made you cry." I said to him and he awkwardly laughed.

"Oh, so are we gonna get back together?" He asked and I thought.

"Yeah, we can. I missed you Cameron." I said and pecked his lips again.

"I missed you too. Let's go out." He said and grabbed my hand. We went downstairs and he got in the drivers seat.

"What are you doing Cam?" I asked and he smirked.

"We're going on an adventure." He said as I got in the passenger seat. I handed him the keys and we took off.

"Nicole, I don't think you understand how much I missed having you around." He said and I smiled.

"Cameron, I missed you too, I just tried to act like I didn't miss you to cover up the fact that I really did." I explained and he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. He bought my hand up to his face and kissed it. By now we've been driving for an hour.

"Cameron where are you taking me?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to the hollywood sign." He said and I smiled. We pulled up, and we're pretty close to the sign.

"Do you have like a blanket in your car?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, in the trunk." I said and he went in, and got the blanket. He laid it out on the floor, and motioned for me to sit down. I sat down with him on the blanket and as soon as I sat down he pulled my waist down. Our lips crashed together and Cameron put his hand on my neck.

"Don't you ever break up with me again." He said in between kisses.

"Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again." I laughed. The whole time, we made out and looked at the stars and we took selfies. I really missed Cameron. He makes me laugh, and he makes me a happier person. We got back to his house and we're walking up the stairs to go in.

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