Chapter 71: Final Throw down

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Gilinskys P.O.V

"No I want to look in here." I said and I saw her look to the right, then at me so I looked. I saw Cameron and a girl. I clenched my jaw and my fists.

He needs to be put in his place.

Nicole's P.O.V

"Jack, Jack no stop please relax." I said while grabbing his bare arm because he was wearing a tank top.

"No no I just want to talk to him." He pulled away from me and charged toward Cameron. As we walked toward him I realized that he was holding another girls hand and it wasn't Megan.

"Cameron!" Gilinsky yelled and bit his lip as I saw his fist go in the air while Cameron turned his head.

"JACK!" My eyes widened as I tried to pull Jack away. He punched Cameron and Cameron let go of the brunette girls hand.

Cameron tackled Jack to the floor and I don't know how I did it but I grabbed Cameron by the shirt and flung him off of Jack.

"Don't fucking touch him bitch!" The girl said as I walked toward her. I slapped her and she threw punches as I dragged her. Security eventually came and tore us apart. I got lifted up as I heard Jack.

"DONT GO NEXT TO HER ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He yelled to Cameron as the girl tried to come at me still.

"STUPID BITCH ILL FUCK YOU UP... COME ON!" I motioned for her to come to me but the security held her back.

"Ma'am please stop." The security guard holding me said.

"Don't touch her." Jack said while grabbing me and pulling me away to the car.

"YOU DUMB HOE!" The girl yelled and I ran to her through the side doors as Jack followed and ran to Cameron.

"Come on." He said as I got to the girl and punched her over and over. We got on the floor and I kicked her.

"Don't fucking disrespect me!" I yelled as I got up and stomped her. The security got us again but this time they brought us to our car.

"Get in." They said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah we know." I got in and so did Jack. He had a little gash in his lip and I looked at myself to find little scratches on the side of my neck.

We took off in silence until Jack broke it.

"I'm sorry I know I said I just wanted to talk but I saw red and forgot everything." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah I know." I put my hair up and he looked at me.

"Why did you fight that girl?" He asked.

"Because she called me a bitch and said not to touch him. I'll touch whoever I fucking want to touch." I said.

"You pulled him off right?" He asked and I nodded.

"You're my partner in crime." He bit his lip, smirked and grabbed my hand. I smiled.

Later that night:

"Wanna come to the studio with us tonight?" Jack asked as I laid on the bed.

"With you and JJ?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah." I got up, and put my shoes on.

"Come on." He said as we walked out and locked the door.

"Let me get a piece of gum." I said while looking up at him.

"Here." He put the gum that he had in his mouth already in between his teeth and I laughed.

"No I want a new piece." I said as we got in the car again.

"No you have to take this one."

"But why?" I laughed.

"Because you just have to." He laughed and I shook my head.

"I'm not gonna start the car until you take it." He said while taking his phone out and going on snapchat.

"Fine you fuck." I said and leaned in as he started recording. It was as if we were kissing but our lips barely touched. I grabbed the gum from in between his teeth with my teeth and put it in my mouth.

"Fucking shit face." I laughed and pushed his face away from mine. He pulled out a piece of gum from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

"I hate you." I laughed and we took off.

We got to the studio and I hugged Johnson.

"Hey, I heard you got into a fight today." He laughed and I nodded.

"Yeah I... We did." I corrected myself.

"Damn, you and Gilinsky together is deadly." They went into the booth as I sat on the couch and crossed my legs. My phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Nicole we need to talk." An angry Cameron said on the other line.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore there's nothing to talk about." I said in a low voice.
"No w~" He cut me off.

"Come outside." He said and I sighed.

"I'm not even at my house dumb fuck." I said.

"I know." He hung up and I looked at Gilinsky who was singing. He looked at me and I mouthed to him that I was going to the bathroom. I got up and went downstairs.

I looked around but didn't see Cameron. All of a sudden I felt my arm being pulled into an ally. I screamed but someone covered my mouth.

Cameron looked me in the eye as I stopped screaming.

"What the fuck are you doing here what are you a stalker now?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Maybe I am a stalker." He laughed and I just stared at him with a straight face.

"I don't want to talk to you. I don't even know why I came down here." I said while looking down.

"Because you still love me." He said as I laughed.

"No I don't, I don't still love you after what happened today, first of all I saw you with a different girl today and I didn't like you and Jack fighting." I said while becoming annoyed with myself for even paying him any attention.

"Nicole just let me explain~" I cut him off.

"No I'm done with you I'm tired of playing this game with you, going back and forth. My feelings are not a joke and I'm not dealing with you anymore. I'm done game over you win." And with that I walked away.


Sadly that's it guys that's the end of Two Can Play That Game thank you guys for all the support on this, and who knows maybe I'll do a squeal as always love ya my lovies!!


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