Chapter 24

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up in Cameron's arms. I decided to observe his amazing features. He has full lips, which I like a lot. I started poking his lips, and he grunted. I giggled and pecked his lips with mine over and over again. He suddenly grabbed my waist, and flipped me over so that he was on top of me.

"It's not nice to wake people up." He smirked.

"But you were already awake." I said.

"You're right, but what if I wanted to go back to sleep?" He asked.

"Then I would be lonely, and leave." I said and he got off of me. His doorbell rang, and he reluctantly got up. I heard the door open.

"No you can't be here right now." Cameron whispered.

"Why? Is she here?" A girl voice asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." He said, and the door closed, Cameron's footsteps got closer. So he's cheating on me. He came in the room, and laid down, I got up.

"I'm gonna go." I said while taking his shirt off and putting my outfit back on.

"Why?" He looked confused.

"Cameron don't bullshit me ok? I'm tired of this shit, if you're with me, then you're with me if you're not then you're not." I said.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I heard your conversation with that girl, you're cheating on me." I said.

"No you have it all wrong, that woman was here because I wanted to surprise you with something and she was helping me."

"Surprise me with what?" I asked, clearly not buying his story.

"That woman was apart of the management team for magcon, and I was asking if you could come with me." He said. Now I feel stupid.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled.

"It's ok, I know why you don't trust me." He said.

"No, it's not that I don't trust you, it's the girls you're around that I don't trust." I explained.

"I have to pack." Cameron said while getting his suitcase. He sat criss cross apple sauce on the floor and I joined him. We packed his things for magcon, and I looked down.

"It's ok I'm gonna be back soon, don't worry." Cameron said while reaching over, and hugging me. Without breaking the hug, I brought my legs over the suitcase, and straddled him. My phone started ringing. I sighed, and got off of him. I answered it.


"Hey Nicole." I heard Taylor's voice through the phone.

"Oh hey."

"So, can you hang out today?" He asked.

"Oh, um I'm kind of busy, maybe tomorrow?"

"Ugh I can't I'm leaving to go on tour tomorrow." He sighed.

"Oh, well I guess I can see if I can, I'll call you and let you know." I said.

"Ok, bye." I hung up.

"Who was that?" Cameron asked.

"No one, uh I have to go, but come by my house later tonight." I said.

"But who was on the phone?" He asked.

"No one, my god." I said, getting annoyed.

"Why can't you just god damn tell me god dammit." He said, which caused me to get angry.

"Because I don't fucking want to, I don't have to tell you everything." I said, and stormed out of his room. I went downstairs, and slammed the front door. I walked across his lawn and entered my house. I took my phone out and called Taylor back. He answered.


"Hey, I can hang out now." I said.

"Oh ok, great just come to my house." He said and texted me his address. I took a shower, and changed into a red crop top, with black high waisted shorts. I slipped on black sandals, and applied cream eye shadow, with a wing, and mascara, and lip gloss. I flattened my hair and left. I walked to Taylor's house, which is not that far from mine, and knocked on the door. He answered the door, and he was shirtless, and in his boxers. Oh god.

"Hey." He said, and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, and he smelled so good.

"Come in." He said, while opening the door. I walked in, and smelled weed. I looked in Taylor's eyes and he's stoned. I smirked, and he led me to his basement. There was one person sitting there.

"Nicki, this is Dillon." Taylor said.

"You called me Nicki." I said and looked at him, and he touched my arm.

"That's my nickname for you now." He smiled.

"Hi Dillon, I'm Nicole." I said to him and he waved at me. Taylor sat me down on the couch, and handed me the weed. I smoked it, and leaned on Taylor's shoulder.

"I miss you Nicki." Taylor said and I looked up at him. Don't kiss him Nicole, you're with Cameron. I couldn't help it, his eyes, his smirk, his everything just drove me crazy. I leaned in and kissed his lips. They fit perfectly in mine as we made out. I grabbed his neck, and pulled him closer to me.

"Ay guys, I'm still sitting right here." Dillon said, and I saw Taylor stick his middle finger up at him. I smiled into the kiss and he grabbed my waist. I stopped and grabbed his hand. I led him upstairs, and to his room. I threw him on the bed, and took his pants off. He took my shirt off in the process, and I slid my shorts down my legs. I got on him, and rode him. I moaned as he held my waist in my small hips. I looked at him.

"You want to be on top." I said while still riding him.

"If that's what you want." He said, and I got off of him, and let him pump into me.

"Oh yes, that's what I want." I moaned as he grunted. We fucked. I put my clothes back on, realising that it was late, before I left I looked at Taylor.

"Please don't tell anyone about this." I said, and he nodded. I left his house, and walked to mine. I just cheated on Cameron.  I walked in my house, and took a shower. I don't want to be mad at Cameron before he leaves, and end up missing him so I walked over to his house, and knocked on the door. He answered, and I looked at him.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's ok." I said back and hugged him tightly. He moved to the side so that I could come in. I spent the night at his house, and we enjoyed each others company.


We're at the airport, and Cameron has to leave now. I hugged him, and buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I don't want you to leave, but this is your dream and I'm not gonna hold you back from that." I said in his ear as he rubbed my back.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, beautiful." He said as we swayed back and forth.

"Alright get out of here." I said, not wanting to become even more sad. He held onto my hand as he walked away.

"Be safe." I told him as he disappeared into the crowd.

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