Chapter 52

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Nicole's P.O.V

I got home and went straight to Cameron's room. I put my luggage down and sighed. Cameron came in and threw his luggage on the floor and ran to the bathroom. I laughed and thought that I could unpack his bags.

I opened his suit case and started taking his shirts out and folding them. I stumbled upon a bag, and opened it. Condoms. Why would he have condoms in his suit case? I opened the box and there were two left. I heard the toilet flush and quickly shove them back in and got up and put his shirts in the draw. He came out and hugged my waist. I turned around.

"I was gonna wait to ask you this but I can't not say anything." I said and he put his hands in his pockets and nodded.

"Ok, what is it?" He asked and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why did you have condoms in your bag?" I asked as I pointed to the suit case.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, trying to cover it up. I walked over to the suit case and pulled out the bag. I threw it at him and waited.

"Oh, I umm I don't have an explanation." He said and my eyes watered.

"Why do you always do this to me? Seriously, and I always come back to you like an idiot." I said while sitting on the bed and looking down.

"I'm sorry." He put his head down.

"Yeah, me too." I said while getting up and grabbing my luggage. I opened the door, and walked down the hallway. Cameron grabbed my arm and moved in front of me.

"You're sorry for what?" He asked as I wiped the tears off of my face.

"I'm sorry that loving you wasn't enough for you, i'm sorry that I wasn't enough for you." I cried as he grabbed my shoulders.

"No no no no please don't say that, you're everything I could ever want, I love you." He said and I shook my head and tried to leave, but he wouldn't let me.

"You promised me that was the last time! You promised." I cried into my hands. Cameron grabbed my hands and took them into his.

"I know, and i'm sorry." He said.

"No Cameron, you always apologize and I forgive you so soon, but not this time, this time it hurts more." I cried and walked down the stairs.

"Nicole please please don't leave." He said and I turned around. 

"I hope that whoever she was, I hope that she as worth losing me." I said and walked outside. Cameron followed me.

"She wasn't please just come back in the house." He begged.

"You were my first love, and our love was worth fighting for, but I can't keep fighting to be with someone who doesn't care." I got in my car and locked the doors.

"Nicole please don't go." He said as I started the car. 

"Nicole please stop don't do this please." I took off and drove about two blocks until I had to pull over because I couldn't concentrate on the road. I sat in the car and cried for about ten minutes. I started driving again, and drove to his house. I got out of the car and knocked on his door. I waited a few minutes and someone answered the door.

"Hi, um can I talk to Kian?" I asked and the boy with sort of curly hair called him. He came to the door and smiled at me. 

"What brings you here?" He asked and I looked down.

"Well, I need a place to crash and you're the first person that popped in my head." I sniffed and he put his hands in his pockets and thought. 

"Yeah you can stay here, of course you can stay here." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said.

"Do you have any bags?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll go get them." I said and walked over to the car. I got my bags and walked in his house.

"Ok so I have roomates and yeah, so just beware." He said and I chuckled.

"Ok." I said.

"Guys we have a guest!" He yelled and walked into the living room where four guys sat.

"Guys this is Nicole." He introduced me to everyone, and I went upstairs to the guest room. I checked my phone and I had thirty texts from Cameron.

Babe~ Please come back don't do this.

Babe~ I need you with me, please come back let me explain.  I changed his name in my phone back to Cameron, and texted him back.

Me~ Stop texting me. I texted him and threw my phone on the bed. I put my hands on my hips and thought. I got my laptop out of my suit case and opened it. I went on younow and tweeted that I was going live. I read the comments and they were really excited. I pressed 'go live' and waved.

"Hey guys, uh this is my first time going on younow so umm ask me questions." I said, knowing that someone would ask me about Cameron. One comment said 'where's Cameron?' I sighed and started talking.

"Umm Cameron isn't with me he won't be for a while because he cheated on me." I paused and held back tears.

"I feel like he doesn't realise what he's doing, and that it's gonna hurt me because I know him, and I know his heart and I know what he wouldn't do to hurt me." I cried.

"But then he makes me feel crazy, he makes me feel like it's my fault." I hid my face from the Camera as my tears just poured out. I wiped my face and read the comments.

'Please don't break up, Cameron has been happier with you.'

'Cameron is watching you!' One of the comments read.

"Cameron's watching, ok well, you hurt me and I feel like my heart got torn out of my chest because I really loved you and you completely  shattered everything that we had over something so stupid and you broke it into a millon pieces." I cried.

"I can't do this anymore, sorry guys." I said and pressed the 'X' button to stop the broadcast. I put my fingers through my hair and sighed. This sucks.

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