Chapter 2

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Nicole's P.O.V

The day is over, and im at my locker right now. I put my books in my book bag and slammed my locker shut. I turned around and Cameron was leaning on the opposite locker side. I rolled my eyes, and began to walk. I felt my waist get pulled back. He slammed me up against a locker. I looked him in the face.

"What do you want." I spat.

"Why dont you want me." He whispered.

"Because i just dont, deal with it." I pushed him off of me, and walked home.

I got home and went to my room. My parents Aren't home so I got my blunt, and started smoking. Yeah, i get high, so what. I have like a balcony in my room, so i went on it, and smoked. There's a house right across from mine with the same kind of Window that i have. I looked, as someone came out. He actually looks a lot like.... Cameron. My eyes went wide. He saw me, and squinted his eyes. I threw my blunt off the balcony, and ran in my room.

I started breathing heavy. How is this happening he CANNOT be my neighbor. Maybe im just seeing things. I looked out the side of the curtain. He's sitting out there on his phone. I looked at myself in the mirror. Im completely stoned. My eyes are red and i look so tired, but i feel so good. Without thinking I ran over to his house and knocked on the door. He answered the door, and smirked.

"You live here?" I slurred

"Are you high?" He laughed.

"No. so do you?"

"Yes, i do is there a problem?" He asked.

I sighed, rolled my eyes and walked away. Cameron grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You could stay if you want." He pressed his lips on my neck.

"No, I dont want to" I yanked my hand out of his hand. He pulled me into his chest.

"Why dont you want me. EVERYONE wants me."

"Well i dont so..." I tugged away from him and walked back to my house. I got up to my room, and saw cameron eyeing me from his balcony. I wanted to show him that he couldn't have me. I opened the window, and took my shirt off. Revealing my black lace bra. I then, took my shorts off. I looked him right in the eye. I changed into a tank top and sweats. I winked at him and closed my window leaving him shocked.

The rest of the night I watched t.v, and did my homework.  Tomorrow should be interesting.

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