Chapter 32

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up and laid in bed for like ten minutes, just staring at the wall and twirling my necklace between my fingers. I finally decided to get out of bed, my toothbrush is in Cameron's room. Shit. I walked out of the room, and went into Cameron's room. He was sitting up, typing on his laptop. He saw me come in and stopped typing. I went into the bathroom, and got my toothbrush.

"You're still mad at me?" He asked and I didn't answer him. I walked out of the room, with Cameron trailing behind me. He grabbed my arm and I turned around.

"What?" I spat.

"Come on, you can't still be mad at me, I didn't do anything wrong." He said and I laughed.

"Really Cameron? You say that i'm your girl and that you love me, and then you start talking to your ex." I said and pulled away from him.

"Are you serious right now? I do love you with all my heart and you should know that I'm done with every other girl that isn't you." He said and I turned back and looked at him.

"Cameron, loving someone doesn't mean buying them what they want, it means committing and looking out for each other." I said and he grabbed my waist.

"I will commit, I won't talk to Megan anymore, but I am gonna have girl friends." He said.

"Ok, I never said that you couldn't."

"Well, yes you kind of did." He said.

"No, I mean that I don't like you being friends with your ex's." I explained and he smirked.

"Fine." He said and I nodded. I walked into the room and brushed my teeth. I started smelling bacon, and ran downstairs. I went into the kitchen and saw Nash making bacon and eggs.

"You want some?" He asked and I nodded.

"I want some pancakes too." I said while going into the cabinet and pulling th pancake mix out. I started making them and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I looked back to see Cameron. I smiled and continued making the pancakes. Cameron kissed my neck and I laughed.

"Stop I'm trying to cook." I said.

"Eww, you guys are so lovey dovey it makes me sick." Nash smirked, and he was recording us. I finished making the pancakes and we all sat down at the table. We started eating and my phone buzzed.

Taylor~ I miss you.

Me~ Taylor, we're not together and we can't fuck anymore, sorry. I pressed send and ate my food.

"I have to make a video today, but I don't know what to make it about." Cameron said and I smirked.

"Uhh, you can make it about...." I thought.

"Don't you get fan mail?" I asked, and he nodded.

"That's actually a good idea." Nash said, and I flipped my hair.

"I know I know." I said, and Cameron shook his head.

"But I don't think I wanna do that." He said and I gave him a straight face.

"Then what are you gonna do huh?" I asked him.

"Umm, I'll figure it out later." He said and I shrugged. My phone buzzed again, and I opened  it.

Taylor~ What? My phone started ringing and I got up from the table.

"Hello?" I said while walking out of the house. I walked down the stairs, and leaned on the wall.

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