Chapter 48

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Cameron's P.O.V

I woke up with Nicole's hands around my waist. I looked down at her beautiful face and lightly kissed her lips. I can't believe that it's been a full year that I've been with her. Before she came along I was having sex with random girls left and right, but then I met her. She tied me down, and I knew that she was gonna last. I just love her so much.

Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up with my arms around Cameron's waist. I yawned and looked up at him. He was on his phone.

"Hey." I said and he looked down at me and smiled.

"Good morning beautiful." He said and I smiled and leaned up and kissed his lips.

"Are you ready for your gift today?" I asked while smiling at him.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked while I got up.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise." I said while getting up and brushing my teeth.

"Come on just tell me." He said and I shook my head. I walked out of the bathroom and Cameron grabbed my waist. I squealed.

"Tell me." He said and I shook my head.

"Fine." He started tickling me.

"FINE FINE I'LL TELL YOU!" I yelled in between fits of laughter.

"Ok tell me." He stopped, and I shot out of the bed and ran to the door. I opened it, and ran downstairs. I could hear his footsteps trailing behind me. I ran into the kitchen and saw that all the boys were there.

"Matt help." I said and ran to him.

"No, this is for last night." He said and pushed me toward Cameron.

"MATT!" I yelled as Cameron took me in his arms and tickled me some more.

"Thanks Matt." Cameron said as I looked up at him.

"I'm not telling you." I said as he sighed.

"Fine, but it better be good." He said.

"Oh trust me it will." I said as I walked yo the fridge.

"Morning everyone except for Matt." I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh come on you know I love you." He said and I smiled.


Me and Cameron got dressed, and now I'm driving to the sky diving spot.

"Where are we?" Cameron asked and I smiled.

"We're going sky diving." I said and his jaw dropped.

"Oh my god for real?" He said while looking at me.

"Yes." I said and he reached over and kissed me.

"How'd you know that I wanted to do this?" He asked.

"Really? You're my boyfriend that's how I know." I said and parked the car. I got out, and Cameron came around and grabbed my hand. We walked in the building.

"Hi, you must be Nicole." The lady at the desk said.

"Yes I am." I gave her a little smile.

"Ok, you can just go through those double doors and David will be waiting for you." She said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said. David is the person who I called to make this appointment. Cameron looked at me with excitement in his eyes. I smiled, and walked through the doors. I saw about ten people standing there.

"Hi, which one of you is David?" I asked and a guy came forward.

"Hi nice yo meet you, you must be Nicole." He shook my hand and then looked at Cameron.

"And you must be Cameron." He said and Cameron smiled and shook his hand.

"Alright let's get you two  ready." David said and everyone in the room stood up. Five people pulled me to the side, and Cameron's hand slipped away. The people started putting the gear on me as I looked over at Cameron. He saw me and winked at me. I smiled as the people got off of me. They had put this vest looking thing on me.

"So both of you will have to go with an instructor, you can't go with each other." David said and I nodded my head.

"When we jump out of the plane, you have to put you arms like this so that we're not all over the place, got it?" He said while putting his arms in the air.

"Got it." Cameron said.

"Alright let's go." He said and that's when I started to get a little nervous. Cameron held my hand as we got into the plane. The plane took off and my instructor came in front of me, and locked our vests together. By now we're in the air, about to go.

"You nervous babe?" Cameron asked and I nodded my head.

"Aww it's ok.... I think." He said and my instructor looked at me.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded. We slowly moved to the wing of the airplane and suddenly we just dropped. I screamed. I looked over and saw Cameron and started laughing. The parachute went up and it was like we were floating. We landed on grass, and my instructor unlocked the vests.

I went over to Cameron and gave him a high five.

"We did it!" He said and I laughed.

"It felt like my stomach was in my ass." I said and Cameron laughed.

"I know."  


So, me and Cameron got home and the boys went out somewhere. I walked two steps and Cameron grabbed my waist and kissed me. I slid my tongue on his bottom lip, and he parted his lips. Our tongues danced together and I jumped and wrapped my legs around his torso.

He played with my hair and carried me upstairs. He opened the door, and threw me on the bed. I grinned and pulled him on me. Our lips met again, he hungrily ripped my clothes off as I took his shirt off and kissed his neck. He tugged at my jeans and I let out a little moan. I took his jeans off and let him insert me. He pumped in and out of me, as I moaned.

"Fuck Cameron!" I moaned and he started moving faster and faster. He sucked on my neck. He put his hands on my back, and lifted me up. He walked and slammed me against the wall. He held my thighs and pounded into me.

"Yes!" I moaned.

"Oh my god Nicole." He sighed in my ear. His liquids poured into me and I felt a rush of pleasure. He put me down and kissed me.

"I love you." He said and I smiled.

"Love you too babe." I said and he went over to the bed and laid down. I went over to him, and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"You know it's almost my birthday right?" Cameron said and I looked up at him.

"No I didn't know." I said sarcastically.

"Ok, just making sure." He said and I smiled. I just don't know what I should get him.

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