Chapter 64

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up and sat up. Cameron was hugging my waist and resting his head on my stomach.

I moved his arm off of me but he just wrapped it around me tighter.

"Please stay with me." He said in a groggy morning voice.

I slid back down and lightly rubbed his back. My phone buzzed and I reached over and looked at it. Gilinski texted me.

Gilinski~ Good morning.

Me~ Good morning Jack :)

Gilinski~ Wow you actually called me Jack for once lol we should hang out today. I laughed and texted him back.

Me~ Ok, at your house?

Gilinski~ Yeah Jack is leaving at 12 so come over then and we can hang.

Me~ Ok see you soon Gilinski

Gilinski~ Alright see you soon Davis. I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Cameron asked.

"Nothing, I'm gonna go brush my teeth." I said and got up. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail.

I went back in my room and Cameron was on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked and grabbed my phone from his hand.

"I was taking pictures." He laughed and I fake laughed to cover up my panic.

"Come here." He said and I walked toward him. I got on the bed, spread my body out and looked up at the ceiling.

"I have to leave by eleven." Cameron said.

"Why?" I asked while looking at the time. 10:23.

"I have to be on set." He looked at me and I covered my face.

"Why are you being so shy?" He laughed and removed my hands from my face.

"You were never shy with me." He said and I laughed.

"No but I would get nervous when I would be around you." I said and he looked at me, shocked.

"You knew that I got nervous around you." I laughed.

"Yeah I did." He laughed and took his index and middle finger along with his thumb and turned my face toward his.

He kissed me.

"I have to go now." He said and I nodded.

I got up and hugged him.

"See you later." He said and closed my door. I opened my draws and put on one of my favorite tank tops that says 'Running Wild' on it and is tied in a knot in the front.

I slipped my denim shorts on along with my black and white converse.

I flattened my hair and put on a neutral eye shadow with a wing. I did all of this as I listened to Tides by Jack and Jack. I put on chapstick and looked at the time. 11:43.

I grabbed my keys, phone and left. I decided to walk.

"Are you Nicole?" Someone asked as I turned around.

"Yes." I said to a group of girls.

"Oh my god can we get a picture?" The girl with blonde hair asked and I nodded.

"Yeah sure." I said and posed for the picture.

"Ok so Cameron posted this on Twitter last night is this you?" A girl with dark brown hair asked while showing me the picture that he took of me in the tub.

I laughed.

"Uh I have no comment," I jokingly said.

"I'm just kidding um it is but it's not like we're going out again yet." I said while taking more pictures.

"Oh well I ship you two." One of them said and I laughed.

"Are you friends with all of the boys?" The one with the blonde hair asked.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Katy." She said.

"Oh it's nice to meet you Katy, and yeah I'm friends with most of them I'm actually on my way to Gilinski's house." I said and they gasped.

"He's so hot." One of them said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah I know." I said and started walking away.

"Nice meeting you guys!" I said with a smile on my face. I continued walking for about fifteen minutes until I reached his house.

I knocked on the door and waited. A shirtless Gilinski answered the door and I smirked.

"Come in." He said as I hugged him.

"Did you do something different?" I asked while looking around.

"No." Gilinski laughed.

"I know I just didn't know what to say." I said while sitting at the counter in the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asked and stood across from me.

"Oh no thank you." I said and walked over to him. I grabbed his hand and put it on my boob. He hungrily crashed our lips together. Oh my god holy shit he's a good kisser.

"You're a good kisser." I said in between us kissing and he smirked. He lifted me up on the counter and trailed kisses from my stomach to my neck.

"No hickeys." I said as he kissed my neck. He nodded and I kissed his cheek and jawline. My hands touched his abs and I kissed his neck. I grabbed his face and kissed his soft lips. I lifted my shirt over my head and he grabbed my boobs and sucked on them aggressively.

He took my pants off along with my panties and looked me in the eye while grinning. He trailed kisses down my stomach until he got to my vag. He flicked his tongue and I moaned.

"Huhh oh my god." I said as he looked in my eyes.

"You're so sweet and wet." He said and I put my hand on the back of his head.

"Fuck!" I yelled and put my head back. He started to finger me.

"Don't stop." I moaned and just then, he stopped and smiled.

"You fucker." I said and got off of the counter. I crouched down and pulled his underwear down. I jerked him off as he bit his lip. I put him in my mouth and he moved my head faster.

"Shit." He moaned as I made eye contact with him.

He pulled my hair and I got up. He walked me over to the table and I made him lay down. I got on top of him and rode him.

"Fuck it's so big." I moaned and he smiled a proud smile.

He got up and carried me to his room. He got on top and pounded in me. He held my  neck in his hand as I moaned.

"Yes!" I yelled and bit my lip.

He let go of my neck as his warm liquids entered me. My body shook with pleasure and I laid down. He plopped down beside me and sighed.

"That was so good." He said and I smiled.

"Do you know how long I've Been waiting to do that?" He asked.

"Well you finally got to, you wanna go again?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah hold on I need a minute." He let out a breath and nodded as I laughed.


I left Gilinski's and I'm at my house now. I took a shower and changed into my pajamas which was a tank and some shorts. I put my hair in a ponytail and checked my phone. I got a call from a number that I don't know , so I called it back.

"Hello?" I heard Cameron's voice.

"Hey what happened?" I asked because I know him and he doesn't sound ok. I sat on my bed.

"Can you please come bail me out of jail?"

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