Chapter 21

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up to an empty bed, I guess Cameron left. I got up and decided to sit on my balcony and just think. I looked at Cameron's window across from mine. I saw him and the same blonde girl from today sitting on his bed together. They started making out, and taking each others clothes off. Tears started forming in my eyes.

I got up and went in my room. How could he do that to me, I should have known that he couldn't change I shouldn't have trusted him. I thought to myself as tears rolled down my face. I rushed into the bathroom and got in the shower. His scent is still on me, so I scrubbed. I washed my hair and got out. I changed into a loose t shirt and sweats. I combed through my hair and went downstairs. You're so stupid Nicole, how could you fall for someone like him.


I got up and changed into a  regular black crop top, with shorts and flip flops. I applied eyeliner and mascara and left. I got to school and went to my locker. I haven't seen Cameron yet, that's good. I got my books and headed to first period. Global. I took one step in class, and saw Cameron with that girl, she's literally sitting on his lap. I sat down and sighed. He didn't even look at me. The whole class consisted of me trying to pay attention while fucking Cameron and that bitch laugh and giggle. Class was over and I'm at my locker. The same girl that Cameron fucked came over to me.

"It hurts right?" She giggled.

"Fuck off." I sighed.

"Cameron whispered my name while we fucked, not yours you were just another one of his toys." That's it. I slapped her right across the face, leaving her in shock and with blood on her lip. I flipped my hair and left. Cameron stopped me.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Get the fuck out of my god damn face asshole." I said and started walking again.

"What did I do?" He asked and I turned around.

"What did you do? Let's see, you fucked that bitch, right after we.... you know what I'm done with you, and you didn't even talk to me at all today." I said, and walked home. I'm such an idiot. I got to my doorstep and Taylor was sitting down waiting. I sighed, and walked over to him.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just want to apologize for what I said to you that night, I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart." He said, and I nodded.

"Ok apology accepted." I smiled and gave him a small hug.

Cameron's P.O.V

Nicole didn't even let me explain. Sarah said that if I didn't sleep with her, and act like we were a couple, that she would find a way to hurt Nicole, and I can't have that happen. The whole time in class while we were laughing, I was thinking of Nicole, the whole time we were fucking, I was thinking of Nicole. I would never hurt her intentionally. Ever.

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