Chapter 11

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Nicole 's P.O.V

The day is over, and I'm walking to my locker. I looked down and bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said, and was met with the most beautiful eyes.

"Its ok baby girl, I'm Taylor Caniff." He said, as I smiled.

"I'm Nicole Davis."

"Well Nicole Davis, can I sometime take you on a date?" He asked. I know it sounds wrong, but I can use this kid to get Cameron mad.

"Sure, but nothing special ok?" I asked.

"Alright, you got it." He smiled at me.

"I'll talk to you later."

"Wait, umm can I have your number?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah sure." I wrote it down.

"Alright, bye." I smiled, and went to my locker. I got my books out and put them in my book bag, and went outside, to find Nash waiting in the car for me. I smiled, and got in. My smile dropped when I saw Cameron sitting in the back.

"Nash, what is HE doing here?" I asked while glaring at him.

"Oh, I'm taking us to get frozen yogurt." He smiled.

"What if I don't want to go?" He started driving.

"You are going." I rolled my eyes and put my headphones in. I listened to Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding. I felt a hand on my arm, and knew it was Cameron. I shivered from his touch, and glared at him. We pulled up, and I got out. I held the door for Nash, and slammed it when Cameron came. He laughed as I got my cup, and put mint frozen yogurt in it with Oreo pieces and cookie dough. Nash paid for it.

"Thanks Nash." I smiled as we sat in a booth. I sat in the corner, as Cameron smirked and sat next to me. I sighed.

"Why do you have to sit here, sit by Nash." I said.

"No I think I'll be fine here." Nash laughed. They started talking.

"So what were you saying in the car?" Nash asked Cameron.

"Oh, so it was so crazy dude, so me and this girl totally fucked in the janitors closet." I almost choked. He's telling my cousin about us, and Nash doesn't even know it was me. Cameron put his hand on my thigh. I jumped.

"Really? Dude!" Nash high fived him, and then goes on his phone. I'm sick of Cameron thinking that he can just fuck with me. I put my hand on his package. He completely froze. I started rubbing him, and casually eating my yogurt. He let out a whimper. I could feel him starting to get hard. I un buttoned his pants, and started jerking him off.

"Oh my god." He whispered as I enjoyed seeing him so vulnerable. I started pumping faster and harder.

"I'm gonna..." Warm liquids squirted out onto my hand as I wiped my hand on a tissue. There was still a little bit on my finger. I looked Cameron in the eye as I sucked on my finger. I winked at him and looked at Nash who was still on his god damn phone. How did he not notice that?

"You guys ready to go?" Nash asked.

"Yup." I said, and scooted Cameron out if the booth. Taylor walked into the yogurt place.

"Taylor." I said, and wrapped my arms around his neck, as he squeezed my waist.

"Hi." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm just here with my cousin." I said, and looked over at Nash then Cameron. He looked pissed. I smirked and turned my attention back to Taylor. I pressed my lips on his and played with the hair on the back if his neck.

"What was that for?"

"To remember me by" I smiled and walked out. The car ride consisted of Cameron clenching his jaw, and glaring at me. I smiled at him. The car stopped, and Cameron got out. I got out, only to be pressed onto the car door by Cameron.

"What the hell was that?" He asked, heated.

"Just because I fuck you, doesn't mean I can't see other people, you're just MY toy dallas." I said, and knocked him off of me. Before I went in my house, I called out to Cameron.

"Sweet dreams baby boy." I winked. This is fun.

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