Chapter 36

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Nicole's P.O.V

Me and the boys are going to go to the big Toys R Us in times square. We got in the van and I sat next to Cameron. The three girls from in the hotel room are coming, and I learned the two of their names are Stacy and Brittany. I don't know who the other one is because that's the one who was giving me looks. They motioned for me to come over to them and I did.

"Hi." They both said and I smiled.


"So, Cameron is your boyfriend?" Stacy asked. She has red hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah." I blushed.

"So which one is your boyfriend?" I asked and she smiled.

"Jack Johnson." She smiled.

"Aww you two do make a good couple." I said.

"And what about you?" I asked Brittany who has brown hair with brown eyes. 

"Oh, My boyfriend is Shawn." She said while looking back at him.

"So, what's up with that girl?" I asked while pointing at the blonde who was looking Cameron up and down.

"Oh I don't like her she's Carter's friend, but she checks everybody out, especially Cameron she'll wear push up bras and short shorts, just to get attention." Stacy said, and I nodded. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I fell onto someone's lap and squealed. I looked back and saw Cameron. I smiled and he kissed me.

"Were you telling them how much you love me?" He asked and I laughed.

"Nope you would have thought." I said while getting up and sitting with Stacy and Brittany again.

"Ok, remember that later." Cameron said and I raised my eyebrows. I turned my attention toward the girls again.

"Aww you two are so cute." Brittany said and I blushed.

"Thanks." I heard a loud abnoxious laugh, that was ear piercing. I looked over and saw that same girl.

"What's her name anyway?" I asked.

"Maggie." They said at the same time.

"So if you don't mind me asking, what was up with that video that Cameron made?" Stacy asked.

"Oh, um because I had a pregnancy scare and it was a rough time, and I needed space." I said and they nodded.

"I get it." Brittany said.

"But I just love how he said that you were the first girl he ever loved." Stacy said and I flipped my hair over my shoulder. They started laughing.  The van stopped and I realized that we were surrounded by their fans. I went over to Cameron and sat next to him.

"Oh now you want to sit next to me." Cameron said and I lightly pushed him.

"Alright are you guys ready to get out?" The driver asked, and they all said a quick yes. I grabbed Cameron's hand, and he entwined our fingers. We came out of the van and Cameron made sure that I was next to him.

"CAMERON!" The girls started screaming. I looked around and saw that I was getting looks from everyone of their fans. I squeezed Cameron's hand. The security guards made a path for us to get into the store because there are so many girls here.

"I LOVE YOU CAMERON!" One of them yelled.

"I love you too." Cameron said before we went in. I looked at him.

"You love her too?" I joked and started walking away. I realized that there are fans all outside of the building looking in and recording the boys.

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