Chapter 41

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I shakily got out of the ambulance as the medics wheeled Cameron's lifeless body into the hospital. I ran with them as tears streamed down my face.

"Ma'am you can't go any further." One of the medics said to me while holding their arm out. I watched them wheel him into a room. I sat down and put my face in my hands and fingers in my hair. I thought about Cameron. His smile, his laugh, his hair, his lips, his kisses, his touch. Him. He can't die, what if he dies.

"What happened?" I heard Nash's voice and looked up. I saw panic written all over his face.

"I....... I....... We...... Were in........ The mall, and........ Sarah shot him." I said while trying to catch my breath. Nash wrapped his arms around my body. I didn't hug back, still in shock. I looked down at my hands. They had blood all over them.

"Where is he?!" I looked up to see Sierra and Gina. I stood up.

"I..... We..." Nash cut me off.

"He got shot." He said and Sierra started crying. I hugged her.

"I'm sorry I failed you, I didn't take care of him." I said and she looked at me.

"This isn't your fault." She said and I looked over at Gina. She pulled me into a hug.

"He'll be alright." She said and I sat back down.


Me and Cameron laid in bed with our fingers entwined.

"So, we have to make a pact ok?" Cameron said and I looked up into his eyes.

"Ok." I laughed.

"We have to die together, not a day after, or a day earlier, we have to die together." He said.

"Ok, but what if something happens?" I asked.

"Like what?" He asked.

"I don't know, like what if one of us does die before the other?" I asked.

"Then it won't be right, and we'll be separated, we can't be separated." He smiled as I bit my lip.

"I love you Cameron Dallas." I said.

"I love you more Nicole Davis." He said and I shook my head.

"Not possible." I said, as he leaned in.

"Yes possible." He said and kissed me.

End Of Flashback:

I cried into my shirt. The doctor came in, and everyone stood up.

"Well, we got the bullet out, and he should be fine." He said and my face lit up.

"But, he's unresponsive." The doctor said.

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that he could slip into a coma." He said and my eyes started tearing up.

"Well I need to see him." I said and the doctor shook his head and started walking. I grabbed his sleeve.

"Please, Please I need to see him, I won't be long." I said.

"Fine, but make it quick." He said and I walked into the room. I saw Cameron hooked up these wires. Tears formed in my eyes. I walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair. I grabbed his hand.

"Cameron please wake up, for me. I need you, you can't leave me." I paused.

"I remember trying to think about how my life would be like without you in it, and I couldn't because it would just be impossible." I cried.

"Remember when we made a pact that we were gonna die together? You can't leave me, not yet, this is not that time." I whimpered.

"Please wake up, I love you." I leaned down and kissed his lips. I walked out of the room and back into the waiting room.

Cameron's P.O.V

You know how they say when you're dying, you see that white light? Well that's not the case, everything is black. I started seeing a white light. No Cameron, stop you have to fight it, don't let it take over. I felt someone touch my hand.

"Cameron please wake up, for me. I need you, you can't leave me." I heard Nicole's voice, and the white light started fading away. she stopped talking for a second and the white light came back. No, keep talking to me.

"I remember trying to think about what my life would be like without you in it, and I couldn't because it would be just impossible." She said and I could tell she was crying. I hate when she cries. Wake up Cameron, open your eyes.

"Remember when we made a pact that we were gonna die together? You can't leave me, not yet, this is not that time." She said, almost in a whimper. Open your fucking eyes Cameron. I tried to open my eyes, but I just couldn't.

"Please wake up, I love you." She said and I didn't feel her hand on mine anymore. The light started coming closer and closer and getting bigger and bigger. No, I'm not ready to go. I tried fighting it, but this time it was just too powerful. I stopped fighting, and everything went numb. 

Nicole's P.O.V

It's been five minutes since I talked to Cameron. Doctors started rushing into his room. I heard the beeping from out here. I got up as they rolled Cameron out of the room.

"CAMERON?" I said while trying to see him. The doctors blocked me.

"Miss you need to stop and let us do our job." One of them said.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled and slid down the wall. I put my fingers through my hair as my breathing became heavier.

"He's gonna die, something happened and he's gonna die. I'm gonna lose him." I said, and Nash tried to hug me.

"No stop don't touch me." I said. Cameron is dying, I'm losing him.



I know this is short, but I haven't updated in a while, so here it is. More to come, Love ya my lovelies!!

                                                                                                                  -T :)

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