Chapter 59

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Nicole's P.O.V

Since I'm meeting Gilinski at DQ I took a shower and changed into a black crop top with a pair of jeans and a black and red plaid shirt wrapped around my waist. I started doing my makeup.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." Cameron said as I put on cream colored eye shadow.

"Yeah, anytime." I said while doing a wing.

"Ok so I'm gonna go." He said.

"Where are you going?" I asked and turned my flat iron on.

"Oh I'm just gonna umm I'm gonna go back to the house." He said and I nodded.

"Ok well my door is always open." I smiled and he nodded and left. I flattened my hair and slipped my black and white converse on. I put on red lipstick and grabbed my phone and keys. I got in the car and drove to DQ which isn't really that far from my house, and opened the door. I looked around and saw Gilinski sitting at a table with three other guys. I went over and Gilinski and Johnson were sitting on one side while two other people I didn't know were sitting on the other side.

"Hey!" Gilinski said and got up and hugged me. He rubbed my back and looked at me.

"You look nice today." He licked his lips and I laughed and smacked his arm. Johnson stood up and hugged me.

"Sammy and Skate this is Nicole, the girl I was telling you about." Gilinski said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you I'm Nate but everyone calls me skate." He shook my hand while looking me up and down. I smirked and the kid next to him smiled at me.

"I'm sammy, nice to meet you." He said while shaking my hand. I sat down and looked at Gilinski.

"What have you been up to?" Johnson asked.

"Not a lot really I'm just trying to get back to my old self." I said.

"What's your old self?" Skate asked and I turned and looked at him being that I was sitting next to him and Sammy. I smirked.

"Umm my personal life." I said, not wanting to go into detail.

"Ok." Skate said while laughing.

"Well what's so funny?" I smiled.

"No it's just because I think I know what you mean." He said as Sammy looked at me.

"What do you think I mean?" I asked.

"Your sex life." Sammy said and I blushed and looked down.

"OHHH SHES BLUSHING!" Gilinski said, then the rest of them started making noise.

"Ok ok." I said and looked at Sammy who was eyeing me. We ate and now we're going back to Gilinski and Johnson's apartment. I drove because they walked, and I can't just leave my car there and the whole time Sammy sat in the front talking to me.

We got there and they took us to the balcony. I sat on the ledge and Sammy sat next to me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Sammy asked and I thought.

"No." I said, and it sounded weird because I'm so used of saying that I do have a boyfriend.

"Ok, good to know." He said and I smiled.

"Oh my God are you flirting with me?" I joked.

"Maybe I am." He shrugged and I laughed.

"You're so pretty." He said and I jokingly flipped my hair.

"Thank you." I said.

"Yo guys." Gilinski said and I turned my head. He had a blunt in his hand and I got up and pat his shoulder.

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