Chapter 14

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Nicole's P.O.V

The boys want to go get something to eat tonight, so we're gonna go out. Right now, we're walking to the van and Taylor has his arm around my waist and he's whispering sweet things into my ear like, you're so beautiful, and, I'm so lucky to have you. I smiled and kissed him but the only thing I could think about was Cameron. We got into the van and music was playing, the boys went crazy including Taylor. I sat back and laughed at the sight in front of me. Taylor grabbed my hand and turned me around. Our lips crashed together and it felt great, his hand squeezed my butt. I hugged him and saw Cameron looking at us so I winked at him. The van stopped and we all got out. I could literally feel all of the boys' eyes on me. We walked into McDonald's, so fancy I know. I grabbed Taylor's hand and we ordered. We all sat down, and I sat in between Taylor, and Matt.

"Yo dude, your mama is so dumb that when she hears its chilli outside, she brings a bowl." I almost chocked on my food when jack J said it.

"You're so corny." I laughed.

"Then lets hear what you got." He said.

"Fine..... ummm..." I thought and finally got one.

"Your mama is so dumb that when she had sex she needed instructions." I said earning loud OOOS from the boys. Matt high fived me. I heard Cameron mumble,

"You don't need instructions." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He looked at me and smirked, so I turned to the side, and put my hand on the back of Taylor's neck. I kissed his lips, and we started a full on make out session in front of everyone.

"GET A ROOM" I heard Nash yell, and I broke the kiss. I smirked.

"Sorry." I said innocently. Taylor grabbed my hand under the table.

"Shit nobody says, hey hit me up on MySpace and we could turn up to some pitbull." Matt said. I started laughing so hard. I felt someone's foot touch me from under the table, Cameron. I shivered He kept rubbing his leg on mine, up and down. My grip on Taylor's hand tightened.

"You ok?" Taylor asked.

" can we please go outside?" I asked.

"Yeah." We slid out of the booth.

"Where are you guys going?" Nash asked.

"Just outside for a little." Taylor said, our fingers still entwined. We went outside, and sat on the ledge. I played with Taylor's fingers.

"What happened in there?" He asked.

"Nothing I just wanted some air." I lied.

"I really like you." Taylor said.

"I really like you too." I smiled and got up. Taylor stood up as I hugged him and put my arms around his neck. His arms rested on my waist, as we swayed back and forth. I nibbled at his ear and kissed his neck. He smells really good. He played with my hair. I'm really short compared to him actually, so I have to tippy toe. We stayed like this for like five minutes. The boys came out and we separated.

"PUBIC HAIR!" Taylor yelled out, and I laughed so hard. I ran and jumped on Matt's back.

"Hi." I said as he laughed and held my thighs on his hands. I got down, and went in the van. I looked at the time on my phone. 12:36. Cameron sat next to me, and put his hand on my thigh. The other boys are too busy being idiots to notice.

"I know you want me." He whispered in my ear.

"I don't." I do want you, I want you bad. We pulled up to the hotel, and there were fans in the front, so we went through the back. All the boys went ahead of me and I was pulled into a closet. Cameron. He crashed our lips together.

"I missed the taste of your lips." He said and we did what we do best.

We fucked.

I fixed myself, and walked out of the closet, Cameron came too.

"No, we have to come out separate or else they will suspect something." I said and he nodded. I walked out first, and went into the elevator. I walked into the hotel room, and Taylor hugged me.

"Where did you go?"

"Umm I got lost, and went through the front, which was a big mistake because there were so many fans, and I think that Cameron was back there too." I said.

"Oh alright, so do you mind us sharing a bed tonight?" He asked, I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and bit my lip.

"Yeah, I'd love that" We went into our hotel room that we're sharing with Carter, and I took a shower and washed my hair. I brushed my teeth and changed into a tank top and sweat pants. I came out and climbed into bed with Taylor. We decided to watch a movie on his laptop. He rested his head on my chest as I drew circles on his stomach. We eventually fell asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about Cameron.

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