Chapter 56

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Nicole's P.O.V 1 week later

So today I have to do the interview with Ryan Barker. I took a shower and changed into a grey long sleeved shirt with the British flag on it, and a pair of jeans with my black converse. I tossed on the necklace that Cameron got me and even though we're not together I still wear the things he has gotten me, or some nights I'll wear one of his hoodies to make me fall asleep faster.

Cameron calls me every other day just to talk. I flattened my hair, and applied a natural eye shadow, with a wing and lip gloss. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I grabbed the keys and got in the car. I drove to the address that Ryan gave me, and got out. I knocked on the door and waited for about 2 minutes.

A guy with brown hair and brown eyes answered the door.

"Hi Nicole it's nice to meet you I'm Ryan the one you talked to on the phone." He said as I walked into his house I'm guessing.

"Its nice to meet you too." I smiled and looked around this girl with blonde hair got up and hugged me.

"Hi I'm Miranda." She smiled and I smiled back.

"Hi, nice to meet you, so how does this work?" I asked.

"Well me and Ryan interview people and clear up rumors you know, the typical." Miranda said as I nodded.

"So is this you guy's house?" I asked.

"Yes this is my house." Ryan said and I nodded.

"Ok shall we get started?" Miranda said while leading us over to this area that had a green screen in the back and a table. I sat in the middle as Miranda and Ryan sat on each side of me. The camera was set up, and Ryan presses a button and they started.

"Hey guys we're back! And here to answer your questions and rumors only on News Feed." Miranda said and Ryan started talking.

"So we're here with Nicole to answer some of your questions about rumors that have been flying all over the internet." He said and I nodded.

"So first of all thank you for coming, and I must say, you are very beautiful." He said.

"Well thank you." I said.

"Ok so I just really want to know what happened with you and Cameron because you guys were my OTP and I was devastated when I heard that you two broke up." Miranda said and I laughed.

"Well, I will say that he did things that you're not supposed to do when you're committed to someone." I said.

"Did he cheat?" Ryan asked and I nodded.

"Yes and I should have known better than to try to change someone and who they are." I said.

"Ok and I've seen some text messages that have been leaked of you telling him that he cheated on you too many times and he said that it was because you hit him or something like that." Miranda said and I shook my head.

"Well those are fake because there was never a point where me and Cameron would text each other because we would always be together."

"So as I told you, we interviewed Cameron and he said that yes he did cheat on you multiple times and that he feels terrible for what he has done to you." Ryan said.

"Yeah and I noticed how stupid I was for going back to him, but Cameron is my person and he'll always be my person. Because every girl has that one who no matter what he does and no matter how much time they spend apart she'll still love him and Cameron is that one for me." I shrugged and looked at Miranda. She was fanning her eyes.

"You're  gonna make me cry." She said and I laughed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Ok so doesn't Cameron have a girlfriend?" Ryan asked as I nodded.

"Yeah and I can tell that he's not happy but I'm not gonna get into that." I said.

"Ok no problem." Ryan said.

"So I just have to ask you, do you and Cameron still talk?" Miranda asked and I nodded.

"Yes we do."

"So would you consider him a friend?" Ryan asked.

"Yes of course he calls me almost every other day." I said and they both nodded.

"Ok well that's all for today thank you guys for watching and tune in next week when we interview Andrea Russet!" Miranda said and waved at the camera.

"You did good." Miranda said as Ryan grabbed the camera.

"I'm gonna go edit this." He said and went upstairs.

"Would you like some coffee?" Miranda asked and I nodded.

"Yes please." I said and went in the kitchen.

"I know how hard it is to talk about it." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah it is." I said.

"You spoke with such passion when we talked about him."

"Yeah he means a lot to me because he was my first love and I always used to get over my ex boyfriends so easy but I don't know what it is with him. He treated me good." I said.

"I could tell because I would see pictures of you two and the way he would look at you is how every girl wants a guy to look at her, like she's gold." She said and I chuckled.

"Yeah." I didn't have anything else to say.

"And he's with this other girl Allison but it's not the same he doesn't look at her like that." She laughed and I did too. My phone started ringing. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Nicole please come over here I need you." I heard Nash's voice and it sounded like he was scared.

"Ok, ok I'm coming." I said and grabbed my keys.

"It was a pleasure meeting you!" I yelled back to Miranda as I closed the door. Oh no.

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