Chapter 12

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Nicole 's P.O.V

Me and Taylor are dating. Right now I'm just sitting in my room. I heard a knock at my window, and got up. I opened it, and saw Cameron standing there.

"what?" I asked.

"Can I come in?" He smirked.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"You know, just to talk." I moved to the side and let him come in. He sat on my bed, and eyed me.

"I had a rough day." He finally said.

"How, what happened?" He got up, and got in my face.

"Why tell you, when I can just show you how rough it was?" He bit his lip as I crashed our lips together. He pushed me onto the bed, as I took my shirt off. He pulled my pants and panties off as I took his pants off. He took his shirt off, and entered me. I moaned, and scratched at his back. I bit his neck a little as he grunted. He flipped me over as I used my hands to hold myself up. He slowly entered me. I gasped but soon got over the pain. He pulled roughly at my hair.

"Say my name." He said.

"Cameron." I whimpered.


"CAMERON." I moaned.

"Do you like when I pull your hair?" He asked while tugging at it.

"Yes." I moaned. I stopped him, and pushed him down. I started riding him. I could feel myself becoming closer.

"OH MY GOD!!" Cameron yelled, as my body shook with pleasure. I got off of him out of breath. My phone rang. Taylor.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey babe, do you mind if I come over?" He asked.

"Umm yeah sure come over." I said.

"Alright I'll be there in like five minutes." He hung up and I looked at Cameron.

"Who said I didn't want a round two?" He asked.

"Me, now get out, my boyfriend is coming over." I said while putting my pajamas on.

"How far have you and Taylor gone?" Cameron asked while buckling his pants.

"None of your business." I said.

"Fine, can he please you like I do?" He asked.

"Get out." I said while pushing him out of the window and onto the balcony. I know that Taylor can't please me like Cameron no one can. The door bell rang and I skipped down the stairs. I opened the door and Taylor was standing there. I hugged him, and we went up to my room.

"Why do you smell like that?" He asked.

"Like what?"

"Like a boy." We cuddled in bed together.

"Because Nash left today, and I was hugging him." I lied, Nash left a long ass time ago.

"Oh, alright." Taylor is so sweet, but Cameron gives me what I need not what I want. I want a nice relationship, but I need someone to please me, and that person is Cameron.

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