Chapter 54

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Cameron's P.O.V

Nicole walked out of the restaurant as I watched her. She turned back and looked at me with hurt and pain in her eyes. A car came speeding and hit her. I got up and ran outside. 

"Nicole!" I yelled while kneeling down and looking at her. Her face is all bloody.

"Please wake up." I said and started to see a whole bunch of blood coming from the back of her head. Sierra came running out she screamed.

"Sierra call 911!" I yelled and the guy who hit her just sped away.

"Shit!" I cried and held her hand. The ambulance came and picked her lifeless body up. They put her on the stretcher as I followed her into the ambulance.  Sierra got in her car and followed us. I cried into my hands. This is all my fault.


We got to the hospital and they rushed her into urgent care. I put my hands on my head.

"Shit!" I yelled and punched the wall. Sierra ran in with tears in her eyes.

"Where is she, where'd they take her?!" She yelled.

"T... they took her into urgent care." I sat down and put my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. The doctor came out and I stood up.

"The patient has some internal bleeding but we think we can stop that, she also has some broken ribs." The doctor said.

"Will she be ok?" I asked.

"That's the thing, when she fell she hit her head and she may or may not suffer from memory loss and if she does suffer from it, she may or may not regain her memory." I put my fingers through my hair.

"Where's my daughter?!" Someone yelled and I looked to my right. Nicole's mother ran toward me.

"Where is she?!" She looked in my eyes with fear.

"She she's fine she has some broken ribs, and~" My voice started to crack, so Sierra pulled her to the side and explained for me.

"I need to see her." Her mother said as I sat down and tried to stop crying.


Nicole's P.O.V 3 months later

I opened my eyes, and my head started hurting. I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital. What happened? I looked to my left and saw my mom sleeping on a chair. I reached my arm out and shook her. She shot up and looked at me. She started crying and got up and hugged me. I started crying.

"How did I get here? Why does my head hurt?" I asked. 

"You and Cameron got into a fight and you walked out and got hit by a car." She cried.

"Well where's Cameron? Why isn't he here with me?" I asked while crying.

"I don't know honey."  She said while stroking my hair.

"When can I go home?" I asked.

"I have to ask the doctor sweetie I'll be right back." She said while leaving the room. I waited for about five minutes until she came back.

"Hi Nicole I'm Dr Harrison." A man came in and shook my hand.

"Hi." I politely said.

"Do you remember anything before the incident happened?" He asked and I thought. 

"No, all I remember is being with my boyfriend Cameron in his room and I forgot what we were talking about." I said and he nodded.

"Ok, I would recommend staying here for about a week more, but you can leave today but you would have to just relax and take it easy." I nodded and he shook my hand one more time before leaving.

"So what do you want to do sweetie." She asked.

"I want to leave." I said and she nodded.

"Ok." She said and reached in her bag, and pulled out a pair of sweats. She handed them to me and I slowly got up and changed. I walked out and saw my mom, Nash, Matt, and Gilinski standing there with flowers all waiting for me. I walked up to Nash and took the flowers as I hugged him. He rocked us back and forth.

"I'm so glad you're ok I was so worried about you." He said in my ear and I started crying.

"I'm ok." I said and hugged Matt and Gilinski.

"Thank you guys for coming here to see me." I started walking.

"Yeah no problem we were all really worried about you." Matt said.

"Where's Cameron?" I asked and Nash looked at me confused.

"She lost memory of what happened with him." My mom said to Nash and I stopped walking.

"What? What happened with Cameron?" I asked and Nash sighed.

"I'll tell her when we get home." He said as Matt and Gilinski hugged me goodbye. Me Nash and my mom drove to my house. I put the flowers on the counter and let my mom put them in the vase as me and Nash went upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and Nash sat in the chair.

"Do you remember anything that has happened over this past year?" He asked me.

"Of course I do, but I don't remember anything recent." I said as I looked in Nash's blue eyes.

"Ok so I'm just gonna tell you what I know, which is basically everything. So me you and Cameron got back from Florida and you found condoms in Cameron's bag and you left. Ok? Are you keeping up?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ok and then you and Cameron weren't speaking for weeks and eventually Cameron's sister Sierra made you guys meet up and talk but that didn't help and that led to you... um getting hit." He said.

"I don't believe you me and Cameron are in love." I shook my head.

"Nicole I wouldn't lie about this." He said as I shook my head.

"No he loves me." I said.

"Then explain to me why he wasn't there today when you woke up."

"I still don't believe you, unless I hear it from him I don't believe you." I said.

"Then explain to me why he has a new girlfriend."

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