Chapter 70

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Nicole's P.O.V

Last night I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about Cameron.

Last Night:

"Nicole I know we've been through a lot and you know that I still love you right?" He asked and I nodded. Nash, Hailey, and Bryant are sleeping and we're downstairs.

"Yes." I said.

"Do you still love me?" He asked and I looked him in the eyes as he held my hands.


"Then let's go, we can run away together forget everyone." He said as I began to smile.

"Cameron I can't do that right now." I said with a little chuckle.

"Yes we can come on, I'll book plane tickets and we can go wherever you want." He moved our hands with every word he said.

"Cameron I'd love that but you know I'm with~" He cut me off by going in his pocket and pulling out a diamond ring.

My eyes went wide.

"Please marry me Nicole." He said while putting the ring on my finger.

"Cameron what are you doing?" I asked as my eyes filled with tears.

"I love you Nicole." His eyes filled with tears too.

"You have a kid Cameron." I whispered.

"I know but I just need you, please say yes." He said and I shook my head.

"I can't say yes yet I'll let you know." I said while getting up and walking upstairs. I looked at the ring and it's beautiful.


I tucked the ring in a draw and walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Jack came up behind me and hugged my waist. I looked at him through the mirror.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said while walking out of the bathroom and into the room. I put my hair in a ponytail as Jack brushed his teeth.

"You're acting weird." He said and I looked at him weird.

"No I'm not, if I was acting weird I wouldn't have let you fuck me last night."

"Aside from that." He laughed and I smirked.

"You're being crazy right now." I said and walked out of the room.

"No I'm not I know when something is wrong with you." He said as I looked him in the eye.

"Did Cameron do something?" He asked and I paused.

"He did, what the fuck happened?" He asked and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Nothing happened." I said.

"Don't fucking lie to me Nicole." He yelled.

"I'm not!" I yelled back.


"Fine, Cameron he um he proposed to me." I said and he slowly walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Did you say yes?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Of course not." I said while sitting down next to him.

"Do you still love him?" He asked while looking in my eyes that filled with tears.

"No." I lied.

"Where's the ring?" He asked.

"I gave it back to him." I lied again.

"I don't want you with him anymore... At all, I don't want you in the same house as him and I don't want you in the same room as him." He said and I laughed.

"And I don't want you around Madison."

"Don't try to flip this on me." He said.

"Oh, take me to her today." I said while getting up and walking to the room.

"Fine, I'll tell her~" I cut him off.

"Nope, don't tell her I'm coming I wanna pop up on that bitch, surprise motherfucker." I chuckled, did my makeup and got dressed.

"Come on, let's go." Jack said as I slid my sunglasses on. He did the same as we walked out of the house hand and hand.

We got in the car and we took pictures.

"So you and her don't have anything going on right?" I asked while looking at him as we took off.

"No we don't and I don't understand why you still want to see her even after I told you that." He said as I looked out the window.

"Because I want her to know her fucking place." I said and turned the radio on.

We got to the Grove which is like a shopping area and walked into Starbucks. Jack looked around and spotted her. He grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers as we approached her. She stood up and Jack gave her a side hug.

"I'm Madison." She held her hand out and I just looked at it.

"I'm Nicole." I said and looked at Jack.

"Sit down." I said to him as he slid in the booth. I slid my glasses to the top of my head.

"So I'm just gonna get to it, I see pictures of you guys I see you guys commenting on each others pictures and I... I don't like it." I said as she looked at me as if she was shook up already.

"Oh I don't mean any harm you know, me and Jack are just friends an~" I cut her off.

"That's the thing I don't want you on him. I've seen things about you, you went in a full circle around all of the guys and when I say all I mean ALL. I may have done some things but I keep it on the low I don't broadcast it." I said and Jack turned his head and looked at me.

"I mean previously." I laughed and looked back at Madison.

"Nash told me about you, Carter told me about you, and they basically said that you're a hoe." I said and Jack coughed/ choked.

"Like I said before I know I've done some stuff but you need to know your boundaries if someone has a girlfriend don't be all over them because this is what happens." I said and she nodded.

"I'm not a hoe, being friends with people doesn't mean I'm a hoe you should stop using that word." She sat up and I did the same.

"Nash is my cousin and he's told me that you've thrown yourself onto the boys, including him and I'll use whatever fucking word I want to use. See, this is how we differ I don't have to throw myself at them they come to me and I don't have to be fake and pretend to be someone I'm not." I said while leaning in.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"16." My jaw dropped.

"God damn it and you're already acting like this? You're a little kid so stay away from my boyfriend, go get a happy meal or something. Here's some money go buy some barbies." I said while getting up, taking twenty dollars out of my pocket and throwing it on the table. I slid my glasses back on.

I walked away and Jack followed me. I reached my hand back and waited for him to grab my hand, which he did.

"You have no chill." He laughed as I shrugged.

"I don't care." We went into Forever 21 and I saw Cameron.

"Oh, let's go into a different store babe." I tugged at his hand.

"Why? I want to look in here." I looked at him, then back at Gilinsky. Jack looked to the right and spotted Cameron his jaw clenched and he got that look in his eyes that scared me.

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