Chapter 67

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Cameron's P.O.V

Megan had the baby it's a girl and her name is Hailey. I told Megan not to give the baby my last name. My fans don't know and I'm still working on the movie.

I don't love Megan and will never love her.

Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up on my side of the bed (left) and rolled over, Jack is still sleeping. I looked at the time 11:23 and got up to brush my teeth. I wore one of Jacks white button down shirts to bed just because. I put my hair in a bun and walked back into the room.

Jack is gonna want breakfast so I walked into the kitchen, with just a shirt and panties on and started making eggs and toast. I cracked the eggs on the bowl, whipped them and put them in the pan.

"This is how to be a heartbreaker boys they like a little danger." I sang while doing a little dance. I turned around and Jack was sitting at the counter recording me.

"Good morning!" He laughed as I put the eggs on the plate.

"Stop!" I laughed and got the toast out of the toaster. I put light butter on the pieces and put one on my plate and one on Jack's plate.

"You want fruit?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, please." I got strawberries, rinsed them off and cut the ends off. I put them on our plate and handed it to Jack.

"Thanks babe." He said and puckered his lips and I kissed him.

"So Nash is gonna come over today with Matt and them." I said.

"Oh ok, what time?"

"About one thirty-ish." I took a bite out of the toast.

"Alright we just have to clean a little then." He said and I nodded. I got up and put my plate in the sink.

"You're cleaning the dishes." I said and he laughed.

"Ok fine but only because you made this delicious food."

"You were gonna clean them anyway." I laughed and sat on the bed. A few minutes later Jack came in the room and stood in between my legs.

He leaned down and kissed me. He put his hands through my hair as I left my hands in between my legs.

I backed up so that I was fully on the bed and he leaned on the head of the bed. I sat on him as both of my legs were on either side of him.

We did some making out and then cuddled a little. I looked up at him, our legs entwined and smiled.

"I saw this thing on Twitter yesterday a~" He cut me off by pecking my lips.

"I saw this thing o~" He kissed me again and I laughed.

"Stop!" I said and he began to kiss my neck.

"Ok I'll stop, what did you see?" He asked.

"It was a picture of us walking into a restaurant together and they're making a big deal of it." I said, talking about his fans.

He grabbed his phone and unlocked it.

"They're going crazy." He said while scrolling through his timeline.

"Yeah I know." I said.

"I hope you don't feel bad about me not telling them that were dating and denying it, I mean Jack didn't know until like a month after we started dating and he's like my brother." He explained.

"Yeah I know you don't have to explain this to me." I looked in his eyes.

"And plus I don't want my princess getting any hate." He looked down at me while holding the side of my face in his hand. I leaned on his hand and kissed it.

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