Chapter 30

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Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up and groaned, I have stupid school. I took a shower and washed my hair. I got out and changed into a grey tank top and a pair of shorts. I blow dried my hair and flat ironed it. I applied glittery brown eyeshadow and applied a wing. I put on mascara and lip gloss and left.


I got in school and sighed and went to my locker. I heard heels clicking, approaching me. I looked and Sarah was coming toward me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my books.

"I thought you and Cameron were over." She said to me and I fake smiled.

"No we're not." I said in a as a matter of fact tone. She stepped toward me, and our faces were inches apart.

"You and Cameron aren't gonna last."

"First of all, you need to brush your teeth, second, you might want to back up before I~" Someone cut me off by putting their arms around my waist, they put their chin on my shoulder. Cameron.

"Get. Away. From. My. Girlfriend. Goodbye." Cameron  said and I smiled. Her jaw dropped to the floor.

"What?!" She asked him.

"I said get away from my girlfriend, goodbye." She stomped away and I turned around to face Cameron. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He took my hand and led to me to our first class. The whole class, we really didn't pay attention, all we did was pass notes.  Class ended and Cameron went to his locker and I went to mine.  A guy with brown hair came up to me and leaned on my locker.

"Can I help you?"  I asked.

"Yes you can actually, could you please come with me?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrows.

"No I can't come with you, I'm going with my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes an turned around, by now the hallways were clear. I felt my waist get pulled back, and the guy pinned me against the locker.

"CAMERON!" I yelled, but doubted that he would hear me.

"CAMERON!" I yelled again, while this random ass guy started pulling me toward the door. By now, i'm on the floor, holding on to the locker.

"HELP!!" I yelled and saw Cameron come through the door. He started running when he saw me. Cameron approached and punched the guy in the face. He got on top of the guy as I stood up. Cameron went crazy and wouldn't stop punching him. I heard something move and looked to my left. I saw Sarah hiding behind the garbage. I marched over to her and pulled her up.

"YOU DID THIS YOU STUPID CUNT!" I yelled at her and started punching her. She pulled my hair, and I heard one of the doors open, but I didn't stop. I felt someone pull me off of her, but I grabbed a hold of her hair.

"YEAH I SET YOU UP! YOU NEED TO DISAPPEAR!" She yelled and I let go. I looked and a teacher is holding Cameron back. I looked at who was holding me back, it was my global teacher. I sighed.

"Go to the deans office now." The teacher said to both me and Cameron. I gave sarah a death glare as we passed and walked into the deans office.

"What happened to you two?" Ms. Shelby asked as we sat in the chairs.

"Well, sarah is a stupid bitch and she tried to have me kidnapped." I explained.

"Kidnapped?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, she tried to have some guy take me away." I said while getting mad. I looked over at Cameron and his jaw clenched.

"And what about you Cameron?"

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