Chapter 5

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Nicole's P.O.V

School ended, and now I'm home. I can't stop thinking about that kiss that me and Cameron shared. I felt fireworks, and I'm not supposed to. My doorbell rang and I ran to get it. An angry Cameron stood at the door. He pushed past me, and came in my house.

"Well just come on in." I said sarcastically.

"How DARE you do that to me I am not chasing you." He got in my face.

"Oh but you are, by being here, you are so that being said you can just get the hell out of my house ok buddy." He inched closer to my face if that was even possible.

"Make me" He arched his eyebrow and kissed me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. He started touching my thighs and moving his hand up and down. I opened my eyes and stopped him from touching and kissing me.

"You need to get out." I looked down and bit my lip.

"Why, do I make you too nervous?" He smirked.

"W...what" Shit, I stuttered.

"Fine, let's play a game. It's easy, you just tell me if you get nervous." I nodded, as he put his hand on my knee cap. He started moving his hand further and further as my breathing got heavier. His hand is now on my upper thigh.

"S...stop you need to leave, now."I said and pushed his hand off of me.

"Thanks babe, I know all I need to know" He winked and left. I put my face in my hands. I think I like Cameron, but he can't ever know, he'll torture me. Oh god Cameron Dallas, what you do to me.

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