Chapter 26

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Nicole's P.O.V

It's almost been a full month, and I've read all of Cameron's letters they are really cute. Right now, I'm talking to Nash on the phone.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, you're dating Cameron now." Nash tried to understand.

"Yes, I'm dating him." I laughed, and bit my lip. I heard Cameron in the background laughing.

"Aww wait, let me talk to cam." I said, and Nash said a quick ok, and put him on the phone.

"Hey baby."  He said.

"Hey, I can't wait until you come back home in a couple days." I smiled.

"I can't wait either, I can't wait to hug your waist tight, kiss you, lay in bed with you, hear you laugh." He said which caused me to smile hard.

"I can't wait to see you either." I sighed.

"Yeah, I have to go, my manager is telling me to get off." Cameron said, and I sighed again.

"Whatever."  I said.

"What do you mean, now you're mad at me?" He asked.

"No Cameron I'm not mad it's just that we don't even get to talk that much anymore." I explained.

"Yeah I know, but how is that my fault?" 

"It's not, I never said that." I said, getting mad.

"Well that's how you're making it sound." He raised his voice.

"Whatever, bye." I hung up and sighed. This long distance shit is really annoying, and we wouldn't even be arguing if we were together and I don't want us to be mad at each other. I waited by my phone, for it to ring. I waited for like five minutes until I a picture of Cameron burying his face into my neck while I laughed, lit up on my screen and I answered it.


"I'm sorry."  I heard Cameron sigh.

"Yeah, it's ok." I said.

"I know this long distance sucks, but I'll be home soon." Cameron said.

"So did you make any video's?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did you should watch it." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah I definitely will." I said while smiling and going on my laptop.

"Alright, I'm gonna watch it now." I said while clicking the video. It was named 'Ask Cam'.

"Alright I love you." He said, and I could see him running his hands through his hair.

"Love you too." I said, and hung up. I clicked the video and smiled.


I'm halfway through the video.

"Next question.... do you gotta bae?" Cameron said. "Yes I do, and I want you guys to like her, she's really cool, and sweet and funny so don't go hating on her, like don't send her any hate because I will find you, and things will happen." He said and I laughed.

"No I'm just kidding, but really I want you guys to like her she's a great person, and if you're watching this I miss you." He said, and his face was in the camera. He kissed the camera and I laughed. I decided that I'm going to go out to the mall. I took a shower and changed into a black flowy crop top with regular jeans. I decided to call Kim.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Kim, do you wanna go to the mall?" I asked knowing that her answer would be yes.

"Omg yes of course, can you pick me up though?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Ok, i'll see you in a little." She said and hung up. It will be nice to hang out with Kim outside of school for a change. I got in my car and drove to her house. I pulled up to her house and honked the horn. A happy looking Kim approached the car and got in.

"Hey." I smirked at her.

"Hey hey, I want some Starbucks." She said.

"Ok girl calm down." I laughed at her.

"So, are you and Cameron dating?" She asked and I laughed.

"Yeah we are." I said while driving into the mall parking lot.

"Finally damn." She sighed as I chuckled.

"Yeah but he's on tour now, and we don't even get to talk that much anymore." I said as we walked toward Starbucks.

"That sucks." She sighed.

"Yeah but he wrote me letters for everyday that he's gone." I said and she stoped dead in her tracks.

"REALLY OH MY GOD NICOLE THAT IS SO FUCKING ADORABLE!" She yelled as she held onto my arm.

"I know, so what's going on with you?" I asked.

"I'm actually dating this guy his name is Taylor." I tripped on absolutely nothing.

"Taylor what?" I asked.

"Caniff." I fake smiled.

"Oh, so i.... is he a good boyfriend?" I asked, she started talking, but I cancelled her out.

"And we have been dating for about two and a half months." I heard her say.

"Two months?"I asked, not thinking that I heard right.

"Yup." She smiled. What the actual fuck.

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