Chapter 17

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Nicole's P.O.V

Cameron grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. He got up, never separating our lips.

"Ayye dude!" Taylor yelled and pulled him off of me. He tried to punch Cameron but I stepped in front of him and stopped him.

"STOP TAYLOR!" I yelled.

"WHY?" He yelled.

"Because you agreed to let him play the game." I said.

"Why do you even care?" Taylor asked.

"Because I do, Cameron is my friend." I said. Cameron grabbed my hand from behind me and entwined our fingers. He rubbed his thumb along my hand.

"Why are you holding his hand?" Taylor asked through his gritted teeth.

"Because she doesn't even like you." Cameron said and Taylor tried to punch him again and I pushed him away from Cameron. He's not gonna hurt him. I made Taylor sit down. I sat next to Taylor and looked at him.

"Is he telling the truth?" Taylor asked with hurt in his eyes.

"No." I said, because I actually started to like Taylor.

"Then why were you holding his hand?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to make sure that he didn't attack you, and to be honest I think you're overreacting." I said.


"Because you agreed to letting me play." I chuckled, he looked down.

"Sorry" Taylor said and I kissed him.

"It's ok, now apologize to Cameron." I said.

"Fine, Cameron I'm sorry for trying to punch you." Cameron nodded his head.

"So are we good?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Cameron said and I eyed him.

"Yeah we're good." He said and I smiled and winked at Cameron. I turned to Taylor and kissed him. The van stopped and we all got out and Taylor wrapped his arms around my waist as we went through the back doors.

"I have to use the bathroom." I lied and gave Cameron that look.

"It's right over there to the left." Nash said and I started walking. I went into the bathroom and prepared myself for what I was about to do. I waited like 2 minutes before Cameron came in.

"What did you say to get away from them?" I asked.

"I said that I left my phone in the van." He said and I pushed him up against the wall. I kissed his soft pink lips and started unbuckling his belt. He grabbed my butt and pulled me closer to him. I pulled his pants down and he took his shirt off. I kissed his neck and pulled his boxers down. I crouched down on the floor and put him into my mouth. He pulled at my hair aggressively, which I liked. He pulled me up and I sat on a sink. He entered me and I clawed at his back. I buried my head in his neck and moaned. He's being really aggressive today.

"You like that?" He asked and I nodded.

"Harder." I moaned and he went faster and harder.

"Oh my god Cameron I'm gonna cum" I yelped as his warm liquids entered me. His hand were in my hair and I kissed him. I got down and fixed myself I washed my mouth out and chewed a piece of gum.

"Can we walk out together?" Cameron asked and I smiled.

"Yeah." I said and he held the door for me.

"Well thank you sir." I said as we made our way to the lounge room backstage. We went through the doors, and all of their heads turned.

"Where were you two?" Taylor asked.

"I got out of the bathroom and Cameron was passing, so he asked me to help look for his phone." I lied and hugged Taylor's waist.

"Did you find it?"  He asked.

"Yeah, right Cameron?" I looked at Cameron and he pulled his phone out.

"Do you know how to play ninja?" I asked, and all the boys went crazy. We played ninja and it was really fun. The boys went on stage, and met their fans, the way Cameron hugged them and treated them was so sweet, but at the pit of my stomach I felt jealousy, not because Taylor was hugging and kissing them, but because Cameron was.

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